Example sentences of "[noun] and then when " in BNC.

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1 To do all the things whether you feel like it or not , oh no , I usually take a back seat and then when it 's , I 'm .
2 Pateman also says the only democratic element in liberal democracies is the vote and then when representatives make political decisions on their behalf the electorate renounce power .
3 John Hill says he started racing with a ski boat and then when the engines got bigger he had to have a go at powerboating which he really enjoys …
4 You should make him sleep on your side and then when you come in he should move over .
5 So as you come in raise the daggerboard , lift the rudder and then when you come into shallow water , turn the boat up towards the wind to lose power for the sail and stop before you hit those rocks .
6 Now I used to get him along there and then he was sort of in tears but there was kids in the hall , the little hall and then when you sort come in the door , not the main door , the one , the
7 Oh well I b , it were , we all had to be in the union anyway and so we used to er we used to go to the meetings a a a you know as youngsters and then when we came back from the Army we 'd got to the union meeting as well .
8 The situation changed , firstly when Andrew confounded medical opinion by playing again in December and then when Dawe pulled out of the semi-final match against Yorkshire after his club , Bath , had rearranged a postponed Courage League match at Rugby .
9 He 'd play a couple of quiet rounds and then when it got hectic and everyone else wanted to be playing , he 'd stay away from the course and just hit a few balls in practice .
10 And them erm when everybody 's been caught by the person who 's at the person sat saying things like hot bananas hot milk and then when they say hot chocolate the you 've got to run back .
11 And it and we had to collect twenty cans and then when you 've collected twenty cans that is enough for one trees one tree and it is gon na be planted in Sherwood Forest and it 's going to stay there for hundreds and hundreds of years .
12 Oh I used to say a half an hour and then when they ran to waken me I 'd say give me five more minutes and then another five minutes
13 When they 're discarded the single O atoms does n't go and join the O twos to make ozone again it just goes another single O and then when .
14 And I , I was issued with that and er I took lessons on it up at head at headquarters and then when I took me proficiency test , I was asked questions on the Browning automatic and other ap things appertaining to the army and I passed me proficiency test .
15 And then of course and then when we used to go to pictures in afternoon Saturday afternoons when we was little .
16 And of course and then when we got older , when we got in us teens , we used to have to help us mother with the cleaning .
17 and then , well we leave the daffies and then when the tulips have died off we take the lot
18 And we did n't see the warning signs and then when we had this serious situation it er it it nearly it nearly swamped us .
19 So it 's not as , it , it 's erm uniformly spread everywhere in the first place , it 's directed first at the focus and then when you meet another person whom you realize has the same ego ideal , then you identify them , with them by a kind of secondary erm secondary identification .
20 town and then when you go out and in villages
21 What happens is folk , folk treat it as a diet and then when they stop the diet , they stop the habit
22 My lover and I lived together for eight years and then when we got rid of the greengrocer 's shop , he ‘ went back to mother ’ .
23 and they used to collect the rents from there er some of them and er up er he came home one day and he said erm , I 'm not going up there collecting again , as he er collected the bugs used to drop on his collecting pad I said , finish the job do n't go again , but anyway they persuaded the people to take the rents into the office you see instead of having to have a rent collector , but er it was horrible he , he worked for them twenty five years and then when he was sixty four he had his , a stroke , but he went back again after eight months and he completed his job for when , you know he stayed in the office , he was er him and erm started the rebate , well it was footwork the rebate system was worked out at the Town Hall , but they , the rent men had to carry it out you see and er he er work the system out and of course erm , when he was sixty five he finished , course he was lucky really , but then er he could get about fairly well , but after the years drew on you know his , his health deteriorated and er but he lived er he was sixty four and he was eighty five when he died but erm
24 It 's just I mean as philosophy just very standardly takes words from ordinary language gradually gets a technical meaning , er which is different from the original meaning and then when ordinary speakers use it in the original meaning they get told off .
25 And then we used to make crayon patterns of the top and then when they went whizzing round they used to look very pretty .
26 Now the sides of the hold and the , the chains used go down , they did n't have wires they had chains go down and with a big ring on the top and then when you 'd the door out , knock the pin out and the door would drop down the mud and cos the ship would come up because she got two side tanks on er a tank each side to bring the ship out of the water .
27 Because of all the bad press that miners got and in a sense Quix was responding from higher up probably by saying you know well take the b they took the box away in fact at the end of the miner 's strike and then when this strike came along they thought it would n't you know the the they that was their rule sort of thing .
28 Eubank has been at his best when right up against it and facing defeat , especially in the battle with Nigel Benn that first gave him the world middleweight title and then when he climbed off the floor in the second , tragic contest with Michael Watson .
29 Yeah well they were supposed to be in flat and then when they 're cut it out you supposed , their supposed to turn it over
30 Your weight and inches should remain constant during that week and then when you return to the diet you will probably find you lose more weight and inches quite easily .
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