Example sentences of "[noun] and said [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Captain Faulknor was still concerned about the ship 's speed and said to Jenking , ‘ that it would be better to stand out to sea for the night . ’
2 Therefore , an individual can be guilty of theft even though he had £1,000 in his purse and said on arrest that he would pay for the items shoplifted .
3 One of the grown-ups from along the street noticed the brooch and said to Gloria , ‘ You 're in luck !
4 The head bent over her was ringed in blackness ; the huge singing insect dive-bombed her again , and she closed her eyes and said to her brother , ‘ Tommaso , Tommaso . ’
5 Cupping his hand beneath Beth 's elbow , he looked deep into her eyes and said in a quieter voice , ‘ Do n't feel bad .
6 As he moved towards the table Joe noticed that , although they had been bidden to take their seats , neither Mrs Carver , nor Mick , nor Carrie did until Mr Carver was seated ; then , each pulling a chair out from under the table , they sat down ; and having done so , Mick pointed to a carved chair with a leather seat and said to him , ‘ Come , sit down .
7 The woman paused before getting into the driving seat and said to Ward in near-perfect English , ‘ I think you 're a bloody fool , but if you 're determined to press on , I suggest you have a word with Alberto Fernandez when you get to Tolambo .
8 After a while , the Caterpillar took the pipe out of its mouth and said to Alice in a slow , sleepy voice , ‘ Who are you ? ’
9 At least 27 people were said to have been massacred on a squatter site at Swaniesville near Johannesburg on May 12 by Zulu attackers from a nearby hostel , armed with spears and said to number around 1,000 .
10 On he way to class one day a passer by noticed the Medau badge on her tracksuit and said to her companion ‘ Oh look , there 's the magic word ! ’
11 He took one look at the pale figure and said to Shelley , ‘ Is it appendix ? ’
12 And being aroused , he rebuked the wind and said to the sea hush !
13 When he had finished the third page she put her head to one side and said in her cross-but-trying-to-be-helpful voice , ‘ I like the bit about Donald . ’
14 Mr Albion Small , former manager of the Eldon Gardens complex in Newcastle , has been appointed manager of the Cornmill and said on Wednesday he was confident the centre would weather the current recession and attract more shoppers to Darlington , bringing more business to other shops and offices in the town centre .
15 He beamed widely as he was helped down the steps and said to me : ‘ O , gib 's nichts mehr ’ ( Do n't give us any more ) .
16 He put out his hand to her shoulder , warm under the gritty film of sand and said with mock pomposity .
17 He jingled his car keys and said in a quieter voice : ‘ Has this anything to do with whether you keep this house or not ? ’
18 Then he called for Alvar Fañez and said unto him , Cousin , the poor have no part in the wrong which the King hath done us ; see now that no wrong be done unto them along our road : and he called for his horse .
19 She seated herself in the bay window and said to George , ‘ Are you not supposed to be at Cambridge ?
20 He closed the window and said to the radio man , ‘ Send this message . ’
21 ‘ Goodnight , O , ’ and then she turned suddenly to Boy and said to him , very pointedly :
22 Marcus turned to Franca and said in his deep slow honey voice , with his slightly foreign accent , ‘ Please could you move the bed away from the wall .
23 This customer went over to our cash till and said to one or our staff Maggie Rodan : ‘ This book could almost make you faint ’ .
24 Just before a tyro Pat Pocock played his first Test there , over 21 years ago , Tom Graveney cruelly pointed to the Bridgetown sightscreen and said to the tremulous off-spinner : ‘ Oh , look lad , it 's still peppered with those little red dots from that time Clyde Walcott got after Jim Laker ten years ago .
25 Constitutional provisions for the rights of Romanies , the subject of a recent Helsinki Watch report alleging discrimination and said to be Slovakia 's second-largest minority after Hungarians , were welcomed by Alojz Pompa , chairman of the League of Romany Unity , in a radio interview on Sept. 4 .
26 She pinned them bravely to the shoulder of her dress , touched the blooms lightly with her fingers and said to the room at large ,
27 ‘ Another man-witch , who was sentenced to the galleys for life , said that he had such a pity for the horses which the postillion galloped along the road that he did something to prevent it , which was that he took vervain and said over it the Pater Noster five times and the Ave Maria five times , and then put it on the road so that the horses should cease to run . ’
28 We bought a fifty pound computer and said to Kevin you can keep it .
29 When the sightseeing tour was over , Little Billy sat down again on a large branch and said to the whole company of Minpins , ‘ Look , I 've had a lovely time with you all , but how am I ever going to get home again ?
30 So I went back to Miss and said about the scanner appeal and she said that would be she thought that that would be the best idea .
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