Example sentences of "[noun] and they go " in BNC.

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1 If I can wave to that group of kids and they go home and talk about it , fantastic , or if I can just sign a measly bit of paper for a kid and he 's so stunned he ca n't talk , that really brings home to me what I am doing it for : because it really makes me feel good . ’
2 Gloria tied on her red headscarf , Dot buttoned up her pink cardigan and they went to wait for the bus to take them down to the hospital to see how Baby was doing .
3 Your Dad smells of your Dad 's got crabs and they go in his eyeballs in the , .
4 The residents go to the pub , the local corner shop , the club and they go and play bingo .
5 With the old snow and they go up the the hills up there and er go sledding and er they find it very enjoyable actually .
6 Then he crossed the room to collar a departing guest for some last words and they went out of the front door together .
7 Robbie and then they had a boat and they went across .
8 ‘ In the case of Killer Queen , which I still like , it was just three separate voices and they go in and out of harmony , but they play their own tune ; I enjoy things like that , where they have a life of their own . ’
9 All government money and when my father was , after the , after the war he had a little old dredger , little grab dredger and they went along the quay dredging it all up and er , course they took so much out the hole , scrubbed it , all good coal again .
10 Alice came and erm , in the night to Con and they go to er America
11 well I do n't know , I suppose they sort of well , they the same time paint work and they go thundering down the corridor and go charging in there and , oh back at training on there you know come on , come on we 've only got half an hour
12 and like they run down the stairs and run back up the stairs , yeah , and they 're looking out the window out the window and they go why the bloody hell are you always just looking out of windows and he 's going do it your way and I 'll do it mine .
13 Well trams Dave they do both , they go on the railway lines and they go through the town centre .
14 No this is , cos Marion and Matthew they like Indians and they go both me ma , start again , they like Indian meals and they 've been round to quite a few and they said this is the best one they 've been to .
15 Tallis helped Wyn to his feet and they went outside .
16 A blow on the chin , do n't forget the chin is part of the skull , blow on the chin , shakes the brain , your casualty gets concussion and they go unconscious now how 's your casualty going to feel ?
17 At the end of it when the whole vocal had been recorded , David said to this guy , ‘ Just out of interest , is this my original lyric ’ The guy said , ‘ Oh no , it 's a beautiful ballad about a boy and girl and they go out in the mist on the mountain ’ .
18 and the other girl and they go to this very chichi Chinese restaurant and when they walk in the manager of the restaurant recognizes his father who is obviously a very important man in China before the revolution and he goes over , chats so in honour of the Mr Moo Bing , you know
19 Yeah it 's a I would guess that this er we you know , when they come down and the strips and they go back up again , it looks as if perhaps that 's what 's happened here because the the rope has sort of got this twist in it and one imagines that when they jump down it 's not quite er er right and so perhaps he 's on his way back up again .
20 Most airlines I 'm told by the multiples have one person who look after that camp and they go down from erm regional , regional level to regional sales manager .
21 And the man was er , accepted Christ as his saviour and they went down and Philip baptized in there , in in in the river .
22 There had been partisans hidden up there during the war , before you … but now only the shepherds used the long-abandoned houses and they went up on foot with their flocks .
23 and I said who 's that ? and he went oh god , shit we 're in the wrong tent and they went out and you can hear 'em I mean being a tent they 're laughing their head off for about half an hour
24 And when she worked here , she had her daughter working with her and they were a team and they went like a bomb .
25 Why in in that case do you think that Sir Nicholas and he he he 's not stupid , I mean he 's a career politician , he 's come out and said this his wife has said that they 're both smiling on the front page of the newspaper at the moment and they go on to say it 's not fair on a man if a women undresses and then changes her mind .
26 Then after half a year we get the tapes and they go back and we say that something may have to be changed .
27 three spastics and they went to the ice-cream van .
28 Throw a shovelful of tarmac into the canal and they went to pieces , it had n't been his fault he 'd tripped over the cat .
29 He met Pilger in the foyer and they went up to the room .
30 Cos like on Friday we had textiles and they go a bit cheesed off when we miss so much textiles .
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