Example sentences of "[noun] and you [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A petition of the 1660s referred to the entire dependence of many local people on the trade , particularly ‘ ye constant imployment of at least 50,000 lusty able workman ready for defence of your Majesty and ye Nacion in case of general needs ’ .
2 I went in one of them cage things and I got it over — well , you have to push with your legs and you sort of pull with your arms and nobody else could do it .
3 And you 're right because these are the things that when when your vice president and you president come every year , as they do , on their annual visit , and they go to Gleneagles for their game of golf first .
4 You think , God help me I do n't want to die , and you close your eyes and you sill see him .
5 I want to try and get one before May before the exam , but there is a superb production on i the summer , it 's on June and July and it 's at an open-air theatre erm in Lincolnshire and what people do is they go and take a picnic and you sort of take your rug and sit there and cos it it 'll be hot in the summer it would be really nice and you watch it outdoors and it 's in this big stately home which is in it 's own grounds and there 's gift shops and restaurants and bars and obviously wo n't go in the bars but you know there 's lo it 's beautiful and like a big stately home you can wander round the gardens for a bit and then go and watch the performance and if it rains then there 's a canopy you can pull the canopy over like at Wimbledon and you know it 's a really nice day .
6 The world No.3 over-pressed on the Queen 's side and Ye Jiangchuan countered so strongly against the King that Short lost his Queen and resigned in 45 moves .
7 That old boy that I spoke to , when his he was with his daughter , I said you give me my bloody keys and you money !
8 Well find the letter B and you Anthy
9 If you are earning more money and you hav n't got enough points , they could move you from a specialist department to a police station .
10 And here is Mao coming along and saying look a revolution is taking place and you guys do n't know anything about it , and it is being led by the peasantry .
11 And sir , both of you , both you sir , Mr and you sir , Mr , er I would like to thank you for the way in the way you have conducted this enquiry .
12 Erm anyway , that 's where you start your tour , and you get your ticket and you sort of wave it round here .
13 Mr Justice Mummery ruled in favour of the publisher and owner of the Daily Mail , the Mail on Sunday and You magazine in an action against Mr Christopher Arnold , a businessman .
14 You try the queen but West covers with the king and you ruff in dummy .
15 after , afterwards , after I 've phoned my darling Wakey and you lot speak to him , yeah
16 There is very little connection now between our people and you Europeans .
17 But er they were always er well-remembered , and er w Spanish Civil War through , I suppose nowadays , you call them fringe newspapers , but there was this paper we used to get at the tim at the time It was n't the er Morning Star , or even it 's predecessor , erm but you got a paper and you sort of heard the other side .
18 Cos I did n't fancy Cathy and you lot are silly !
19 I did get and proved the place I 've been going that actually more accidents due to blocking and you sort of back up the stairs with you
20 Now that 's a modern version , again I made that for a couple of years ago but the tradition there was you knitted on hands and you ladies will probably know , four pins , no seams , all on the circular , right up to the neck and then the cast on the sleeve there and again , no seams .
21 ‘ If I was one of your students and you lot were counting up your staff-student contact hours , working to rule and refusing to mark exam papers , I might well prefer to give up the course and marry my brother 's friend Sharif .
22 And you 've got hair that falls in your face and you sort of , and all those things you 've got to learn to cope with because if you 're worried about what you 're doing with your hands , or your feet , or your hair , then you ca n't then concentrate on putting over your information effectively .
23 So get that Lego off the table and you tea .
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