Example sentences of "[noun] and [vb mod] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Obstetric physiotherapists can teach you exercises to strengthen your bladder and may also help you to move about more easily so that you can get to the lavatory more quickly .
2 Oesophageal transection and devascularisation are satisfactory for many patients with oesophageal varices secondary to cirrhosis and should nearly always control bleeding .
3 However , such smokers may incur the same risks and may even increase them , especially if they inhale the pipe or cigar smoke [ 9 ] .
4 In a similar way , if a homoeopathic remedy is repeated before it is required , the repetition can upset the efficient working of the remedy and may even undo all the good that has already been done .
5 He dwells in a high tower looking down on the metropolis and can often be seen flying high above it on his War Griffon Stormwing .
6 We owe them a great deal and can best repay them by finding a political solution to the conflict in Northern Ireland .
7 Tigers are catholic in their taste ; they have been known to eat frogs and will sometimes catch fish .
8 To that individual 's horrified disbelief , the animal then proceeds to rub around his or her legs and may even jump up on the person 's lap .
9 Sole traders have to compete with retail multiples ( see below ) who buy in bulk and can therefore afford to offer lower prices
10 Dr David Horrobin , whose Efamol company specialises in evening primrose oil , says this natural product is approved by the National Health Service for the treatment of breast pain and certain forms of eczema and may soon be used as a way of preventing diabetics going blind or suffering from kidney disorders .
11 Finally one might hope that some useful distinctions could be drawn between ‘ having a mental experience ’ and ‘ being aware of having such an experience ’ which seems much closer to our usual view of consciousness and must certainly be an emergent property in evolution .
12 If , after reading the advice in Chapter 9 , you decide to keep to a very strict calorie intake of just 850 to 1,000 calories daily , you will find it very difficult to achieve the upper levels of the fibre recommendation and might even find it difficult to consume 35 grams of fibre daily .
13 The inevitable over-simplification , if not actual misrepresentation , of the richness , complexity and dynamism of religious traditions can be deeply offensive to religious believers and can even lead to charges of racism .
14 This move was executed overnight , with little time to spare , for Kluck , believing both French and British forces already defeated , was still marching westward at maximum speed and would shortly have been able to envelop the BEF 's left flank .
15 To some extent this applies also to whales and dolphins : some , such as white-sided and white-beaked dolphins , appear to enjoy a boat going at speed and will actively approach and ‘ bow-ride ’ for a time .
16 PAYING off the mortgage ahead of time is certainly the safest investment and could also be best for taxpayers who fear reduced returns on deposits if Labour wins .
17 Dingiri Banda Wijetunga , who has been appointed acting president and will probably get the job permanently because the UNP has enough votes in parliament to secure it for him , is an unassuming 71-year-old compromise candidate .
18 Alkalosis and acidosis can result from problems with the regulation of respiration or metabolism and may therefore occur as a result of the effects of anaesthesia , the surgical procedure , fluid imbalance during the peri-operative period or a pre-existing condition , e.g. diabetes mellitus .
19 I think a lot of readers will recognise your Murphy 's Law Jean and may even have another name for it .
20 This reference of Elijah would have been fully understood by Jewish readers and would also account for the crowd response at the end of the story :
21 In an age when much more business is project-oriented when it is increasingly a case of throw it at the wall and see what sticks ( perhaps in the public sector they really wish they did n't have to be so careful with the dosh and could similarly try things out more just to see what might work ) , the role of the chief exec is to empower the team and keep informed of progress ( half a side of A4 and no hyperbole please ) .
22 There seems to be a fairly common misconception that cichlids are all cichlids and can therefore be mixed .
23 For example , coins provide the fullest and most systematic source for the names and titles of Roman emperors and may sometimes provide the basic framework for the chronology of their reigns .
24 It must be added , though , that cats are stubborn animals and will often consider such chemical warfare as a kind of challenge .
25 Yet the industry is a feeble exporter and will probably always remain so .
26 This disk contains the West End font and will once again increase the range of fonts available in your windows drawings or publications .
27 Singh , while holding a Green Card , was not a full US citizen and might simply have been released as a gesture .
28 To this the magazine responded : " We note that Mr Arkell 's attitude to damages will be governed by the nature of our reply and would therefore be grateful if you could inform us what his attitude to damages would be , were he to learn that the nature of our reply is as follows : fuck off " .
29 However , Mazzin was not the calmest of the guards and might easily panic and shoot us .
30 For his own paddling Andy has just changed from the AeroQuatic to the Dagger Crossfire and can now do brilliant 360s without paddles .
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