Example sentences of "[noun] and [vb mod] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Some six months later an anguished letter arrived from the United States in which she said that since arriving in the USA she had barely had two weeks without an attack of herpes and could she possibly attend again when she was next in England .
2 Said his name was Pat and could you call him back . ’
3 Now the programme that turns the cameras on teenagers and let's them do the talking and the interviews has packed its newest series with just the subjects their viewers want .
4 The only doubts maybe ( or rather unproven areas ) are in the financial aspects and can he spot talent ?
5 It 'd mean waiting till , often till the , the father came back from work and then he 'd have to er sometimes come right up to the er to the nursing home er to tell you that , that they was , that she was in labour and would we please come .
6 Theresa I 'm going to have to stop you and I 'm going to have stop you as well Sue and can I say that we 're going to need to wait and see what the Prime Minister has to say .
7 Wolfenstein 3D has the best graphics I have seen on a P.C. and should you have a soundblaster the voices and sounds are amazing .
8 Round in Crescent and er the people make allowances often they make announcements in the ground of they 're blocking somebody 's entrance and will they go and move the cars out and
9 Will licking the soil do her any harm and will I need to worm her more often as two ponies go in the paddock as well ?
10 My Lords , will the er Minister say how much money has been spent on the so called cash protection for grant maintained schools and will she confirm that the one quarter of a million pounds almost a quarter of a million pounds being spent on advertising grant maintained schools is additional er to the scheme , to the first part of the question .
11 Oh Lord of the Kremlin and may your onions never shrivel .
12 It was only later that I dared to approach the nurse who did the dispensing and whisper in her ear that I knew nothing of Bach Remedies and would she please enlighten me .
13 I 'll see this little bit then I 'll go and finish that ironing and would you record er Watchdog for me ?
14 In 1773 when raw silk was difficult to obtain , the owner of a throwing mill in Sherborne wrote : … having discharged many of my hands which are either starving , or are become burdensome to the town , others are incessantly crying for a little work and could they obtain but a morsel of Barley-bread they are happy , they very often go days with little or no nourishment … the continued cries of the poor people complaining for want of the necessaries of life as well for want of employment is shocking indeed … and what is worse the overseers are not so bountiful to the necessitous as I could wish .
15 Grateful to the minister for that reply but would he not agree with me that where local authorities erm local chambers of commerce and trades councils er and his own department of employment , are already working well together with good small initiatives , to put upon them English Estates , TECs , British coal enterprise er is in fact to do precisely what he does not advocate to make a mushrooming of bureaucracy and will he not undertake to evaluate these initiative to see if they really do work or whether they 're just providing jobs for the boys .
16 I leant out of the bedroom window and there was a man waiting there who said there had been a car crash and could he telephone . ’
17 Now he told me he wanted to end it with Susan , and he begged my help and would I come down to New Orleans . ’
18 Surely these workers are provided with Health and Safety equipment and should they not be made to wear them by someone in authority ?
19 Since that time bureaucratic foot-dragging and dare it be said ? politics have continued to delay the project .
20 How long do I want it to last my child and will it be sturdy enough to take the punishment a toddler metes out without keeling over ?
21 North Yorkshire in the P P G. And can I put for erm in the P P G. Could I put forward a scenario to you , which I have n't really thought through .
22 and if he wants to send them as one consignment , but now the value is twenty five thousand pounds collectively you can ring up Stubbings and as , or get your F and A to do this for you , Finance and Admin , ring up Stubbings and can you give me a special rate for these goods and ar , can you give me what I can charge them for special coverage to take it higher than our normal coverage of fifteen thousand pound ?
23 For a resident , little things become so big when your whole life can revolve round what 's for lunch and can you sit in your usual place or has someone pinched it ?
24 Would he not join me in urging Sinn Fein to reconsider their position on this and would he also agree with me and confirm to this house that this government will never do what Mr Adams requests and that is become a persuader of the people of Northern Ireland to join a united Ireland and will he , will he recognise from me that many on these benches remain committed to the union of Northern Ireland and Great Britain .
25 If I am to change it I feel that I might as well put a larger engine in it , could you please advise me what would be the best petrol engine and would I have to convert it to 12 volt ; which I do n't really want to do .
26 Can I use Carbonflo in this engine and would it have the same benefits such as lower fuel consumption ?
27 Therefore could you please tell me if it is feasible to fit this engine and will it prove to be too powerful for the IIA gearbox and overdrive .
28 Phil had the pen , Phil get the pen and will you add it up will you
29 Is there a limit to the grant and will I have to pay anything ?
30 When he was able to sit down for a brief breather , he received a telephone call from control saying that some twenty young bullocks had got loose on the railway line heading in his direction and would he keep a look out , with the thought that trains and cattle do not mix .
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