Example sentences of "[noun] and [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 Yet in intellectual and to some extent in practical terms her attitudes were overwhelmingly conservative .
2 The family had obviously taken its name from the land-holding and at some stage this was likely to have been written as de Forstershey , or something very similar .
3 A king depended on the administrative structure of the civitas for tax revenue and for some of the manpower required for his armies .
4 It therefore moved towards them , and its commitment to Scottish home rule and to some measure of home rule for Wales became firmer .
5 In general the cosmic gods were represented in human form , but this was not an absolute rule and in some aspects the god might assume an animal or hybrid shape .
6 Labour 's employment spokesman , Henry McLeish , was startled to find that male unemployment in London marginals like Streatham , Hornsey , Lewisham West and Dulwich was worse than in his own Fife seat and in some of the grimmer parts of Glasgow .
7 So in the two things that can happen in conversation to give it To make it stop running smoothly are overlapping and interruption and like some of them are quite difficult to tell apart but usually it 's If you 're transcribing stuff it 's fairly obvious .
8 In accordance with certain theoretical considerations and after some empirical experimentation , Barro obtained the following fairly complex equation as his best estimate of the process determining the annual rate of growth of the quantity of money over the period 1941–73 : where is the rate of growth of the quantity of money predicted by the process shown in equation ( 6.7 ) to occur in period t , and is the actual rate of growth of the quantity of money in period t - i .
9 It was a profound release of tension and in some hazy way gave her a sense of control over herself and a means of releasing the anger she felt .
10 Patrick had been interested to see that all traces of the damage the insurgents had wrought in the Green — the trenches they had dug , the trees they had felled — had vanished , and the only evidence of the 1916 Rising were the bullet holes in the stonework of the hotel where the rebels had fired on the British troops positioned on the roof and in some of the upper rooms .
11 Similarly , GPPBs will purchase certain types of hospital treatment from NHS Hospital Trusts and from some Directly Managed Units and from some private hospitals .
12 By far the most widespread brand , Amora , is strong tasting and useful for vinaigrettes and in some sauces .
13 In the Canadian prairies and in some parts of Africa the last branch lines constructed in the 1920s were obsolete almost as soon as they were built .
14 " Popular power " and " government by the people " are not , I would suggest , vacuous slogans , but it is easy for critics and sceptics to dismiss them as mere rhetoric so long as those who use them fail to specify what they imply , in practice and in some detail .
15 The behaviour initially appears in a crude form , and then , with practice and in some cases maturation , it improves into the normal form of adults of its species .
16 In Brinkibon Ltd v Stahag Stahl GmbH [ 1983 ] AC 34 Lord Wilberforce said that " No universal rule can cover all such cases ; they must be resolved by reference to the intentions of the parties , by sound business practice and in some cases by a judgment where the risks should lie " .
17 Accepting that the two maps are drawn from entirely different methods and to some extent a different data base of wells it is not surprising that differences in detail are recognised .
18 And many of the potential suitors for Ferranti face complex and in some cases insurmountable government objections .
19 Identity of the amplified bands was verified by their predicted size , restriction enzyme digests giving appropriately sized fragments and in some cases cloning into TA plasmid ( Invitrogen , San Diego , CA ) and sequencing by dideoxy chain termination using Sequenase 2.0 Kit ( United States Biochemical , Cleveland , OH ) .
20 My release with the others is impossible if the prisoners in Kuwait and in some European countries are not released .
21 Evidence suggests the changes have a minimal effect and in some cases might even cause more damage , the report says .
22 The increasing price of low-sulphur oil and the reluctance to rely upon imported oil in the future brought a growing demand by industry and by some politicians for the adjustment of the 1970 Act requirements in the light of economic and energy realities as well as technological practicability ( Lundqvist , 1980 ) .
23 The map is based on reflectance values of more than 900 samples from 246 boreholes of the oil and coal industry and from some outcrops .
24 The Letter calls him king of all England and Denmark and the Norwegians and of some of the Swedes , which if genuine implies that he already claimed Olaf 's throne , and Florence of Worcester says that in 1027 he heard that some Norwegians were discontented , sent them large quantities of gold and silver , and secured an undertaking of future support .
25 Insurers who used to assess their premiums every year , are now having to reassess them every six months and in some cases every four .
26 We were entertained most generously both in people 's homes and in some of the many splendid restaurants .
27 The word ‘ mothering ’ is sexist in many contexts because it reinforces the ‘ natural ’ connection of women with children and childcare — a connection that feminists have criticised , since under our present social arrangements it has the entirely sexist consequences of defining non-mothers as non-women , restricting women 's opportunities to do other things if they wish , exploiting their unpaid labour and in some cases causing them to be seen as less important than the children they give birth to .
28 The captain of the guard outside St Bartholomew 's let us through and we went under the darkened archway and up some steps into the chamber which led out on to the balcony .
29 The sea coast provides fishing and in some of the larger settlements , main harbours .
30 Like all enzymes it is a protein and like some it is made up of a number of polypeptide subunits ( so forming a ‘ complex ’ ) .
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