Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 And so Felix offered to take over the wheel and drive for a while .
2 They asked the Parish Council , therefore , to approach Wyre Borough and ask for help with tasks such as mowing etc .
3 In fact they can be seen as the difficulties that are faced with young people generally : how far should they be allowed ( encouraged ? ) to take risks and learn for themselves and how far should they be guided by those who ‘ know best ’ ?
4 By the time he took to do his business , the bank 's video cameras must have had me down as a fairly suspicious character and I was happy to stop fidgeting when he finally turned away from the cashier and headed for the door .
5 Kieran has now Rostrevor home to Dublin for six months where he intends , as he puts it , to ‘ lie low ’ for a while , writing songs and preparing for his and Frances 's second album .
6 ( Yeah — and i just called our national football association and called for tickets to USA'94 — no problemo — so i guess i will be travelling with a friend or three … )
7 In accordance with a request from the Association of Charity Officers , it is confirmed that an amount of £5,000 from public funds provided through the Association of Charity Officers has been received by the Association and utilised for provision of physiotherapy equipment for the new Therapy Wing at Sussexdown .
8 Add orange zest and chestnuts and saute for a couple of minutes .
9 Nothing to do with me : in fact , I spent six hours fighting that decision in a totally futile meeting with Topaz and three top-level gorillas from Resource Deployment with cottonwool in their ears and Closed For Lunch signs on their brains . ’
10 The three special ambassadors sent to James II in 1685 , for example , to congratulate him on his coronation and ask for English help against the Turks , unsuccessfully demanded privileges which were regarded as quite unjustified — to be " conducted " at their audience with the king by a duke rather than as usual a mere earl and for their coaches to be allowed to enter the courtyard of the royal palace .
11 The Westons retrieved what was left of their stock and headed for Bristol , where they sold what they could in the markets there .
12 Then add the sesame paste or peanut butter , remaining soy sauce , chilli oil , remaining salt and chicken stock and simmer for 4 minutes .
13 JUNE 30 : At the EGM , the BRDC members vote down a resolution by directors to ratify the deal and vote for a special resolution to have it unwound .
14 One of his villain mates , Morrie Dubedat , set up the deal and vouched for dad 's punt …
15 No doubt when Wrexham see what a joke he is , he will be back at ‘ The Tip ’ licking a few supporters ' backsides and begging for his job back .
16 Nextdoor are 10 year-olds who also spent the previous day at Home farm — looking at wildlife in hedgerows and a pond and checking for pollution .
17 A , a big pond and used for watering erm the cattle and erm then it silted up and erm got neglected and people naturally just threw things into it .
18 But no , as I watched , he turned a ball elegantly off his legs and called for a quick single .
19 The social worker seemed to be dangling that last word before Gilly 's nose , as if expecting her to jump up on her hind legs and dance for it .
20 Immediately it sprouted numerous legs and scrabbled for a purchase .
21 Things get harder the further you reach , and as you 're working against the clock there 's no sitting and thinking for too long .
22 This was the key for Statoil 's joining the partnership and sanction for the project .
23 Only a week later I was noticed by a scout and engaged for a pantomime in Manchester , to play the Princess in Jack and the Beanstalk .
24 Its supporters make the point that it breaks down rigid hierarchies and allows for greater participation in the decision-making process .
25 ‘ We realized that decorators were buying our fabric and wallpaper in bulk and asking for a discount , as was available to them with any other brand . ’
26 Judges initially were not amenable and denied sellers certain rights both to repossession and to sue for the deficiency .
27 Mr Vogel , detained on Tuesday and held for 10 hours in a solitary cell , was arrested because the prosecutors believed he would reveal the whereabouts of Mr Schalck-Golodkowski .
28 Mr Vogel , detained on Tuesday and held for 10 hours in a solitary cell , was arrested because the prosecutors believed he would reveal the whereabouts of Mr Schalck-Golodkowski .
29 Some journals give clear feedback and ask for a list of changes if the paper is resubmitted , but this is not true of all .
30 Even a Marxist like Gramsci , who spoke of the ‘ consent ’ of the subordinate classes , saw consensus as false consciousness and hoped for revolutionary change .
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