Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] us " in BNC.

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1 Well , let me tell you , ’ she flung at him acidly , ‘ you 're a bygone species , you 're on your way out , and if you do n't turn that wheel and head us back the way we came I 'll see you in gaol for this faster than you can say pieces of eight . ’
2 ‘ And now it is gone , all gone … the communists have thrown in the sponge and left us bouncing around in the ring looking for an opponent .
3 She has done us many a kindness and fed us every morning . "
4 It is rightly said of him that he was always a pedagogue , but he is a pedagogue in the courtly nineteenth-century mode of Professor Agassiz , who sets up the controlled experiment and invites us to participate in it , not in the hectoring and charismatic mode of the star of the lecture-hall .
5 They should get off their backsides and let us see what they intend to do about it .
6 She starts school on Tuesday and asked us if we were still all going together , which we are . ’
7 They played some good passing football and had us looking very worried until half time .
8 It is part of an attempt to deter potential recruits and to distract us from concluding that it is men who are the cause of women 's oppression , not anyone else .
9 Moreover , Noorda must finally set up a line of succession and give us some indication of how Novell ( and Unix ) will function when he bows out .
10 The Sergeants would take us for training sessions and escort us over to our meals , but it was the Corporals who governed our lives .
11 Tod and I reclined on the wrung bedding as Irene advanced into the room , holding a tightly gripped paper tissue to her eyes and calling us a piece of shit .
12 The mind can generate its own creative images and it will show us colours and visions that will bewilder our eyes and take us to regions beyond the schemata , where words no longer have meaning .
13 Hafpor tried hard , but eventually admitted defeat and asked us if we would walk a little .
14 Although an official response has already been sent off , Newsline readers may wish to pen their own reply and let us see if they can be as imaginative as the original writer .
15 We did have er , judges and censors who would judge us and reward us if we d did good and punish us if we did evil .
16 It was a very small audience , only about forty people , and he came up to us in the break and told us he loved it and wanted a T-shirt .
17 Given that series of gaffes , will he now compound his confusion and tell us that he bears no personal responsibility for the appalling slump that is devastating Britain today ?
18 ‘ If the new party leader Petar Mladenov thinks this action will pre-empt our demonstration and weaken us , ’ said the union 's secretary , Mr Petar Beron , ‘ then he is wrong .
19 Cityscape , Hight Corners , and Terraces , has plenty of examples and demonstrations as well as introduces specific technical considerations and encourages us to look at and study architectural characteristics .
20 A bout of exercise of any kind is a wonderful outlet for the frustrations that build up during the day and it helps to release tension and enable us to relax .
21 Well , the inspector came and noticed a hole in the roof and told us to mend it .
22 He referred to plans to develop social programmes and infrastructure projects as a ‘ vision that I hope will sustain Hong Kong during the present period of uncertainty and give us all confidence in our ability to overcome whatever problems confront us ’ .
23 Leonard thanked Belfast and district for its hospitality to him and his wife Pat and informed us that our dance was virtually a family outing with his son Stephen , his daughter Linda and son-in-law , Timothy Smith present .
24 As Kingfisher chairman Geoff Mulcahy puts it : ‘ Opportunity 2000 in Kingfisher has helped us unlock rich reserves of talent among our employees , giving women opportunities and allowing us to make better economic use of our total workforce . ’
25 Mum came in from the shops and gave us the news that , starting from September , we are to have 2 morning services .
26 Do read the piece and let us know how you feel : if WOMAN can do something to help , I promise we shall .
27 Monsieur Truffer came in our car and directed us through Cherbourg and up to Bourbourg , which is on a hillside rising behind the east side of the Harbour .
28 And perhaps if you could stop the snow and see us all safely back to the quarry as well , that would be a big help .
29 For our part , the only time our heart comes close to missing a beat is when Denice wedges the still-full carton of popcorn between her thighs and invites us to help ourselves whenever we feel like it .
30 The mosquitoes had already arrived in force and made us feel as if one trench was very much like another .
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