Example sentences of "[noun] and [conj] she " in BNC.

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1 I payed with my Vista card and although she was a hockey player , when she invited me to the opera I igried to go .
2 She showed her warrant card and when she explained that they had come to see Nicola 's husband , the man invited them in .
3 She ironed the covers and as she sat sewing them up round the cushions she felt her energy ebb and realised she was very chilly , and oh how the flesh above her knees ached !
4 He gave it to her as an engagement ring and when she took off , she never sent it back . ’
5 She looked at Margaret with a question in her eyes and when she nodded felt a burst of happiness like she had never felt before .
6 A woman in the audience/church left in the middle of the performance/wedding and as she left she trod on the foot of the man at the end of the row .
7 Well , this Christine is from Haslington Machine Knitting Club and when she read about the plight of the Romanians she resolved to do something about it — but what ?
8 Melissa wondered what was passing though her mind and whether she and Rose had resolved their differences .
9 But seeing Damien made her lose concentration and before she knew what was happening she found herself boxed in yet again .
10 Meredith went out to fetch the tea and when she returned he went on , ‘ This is an official visit , actually . ’
11 Carrie got up to bring the union man some more tea and when she returned with two filled mugs she sat down heavily .
12 She began to pour the tea and when she had finally finished and sat down felt as if she had run the London Marathon .
13 With a start , he saw that the girl in black underwear was slumped , dead , across a couch and that she had been strangled with a scarf , which was still knotted around her neck .
14 She was about to tell him that was his own stupid fault and that she was n't here to wait on him — particularly since he had proved to be so inhospitable .
15 Cos every time they use it , she reminds them that it 's her telly and that she er could have sold it and got the money .
16 Zeinab had set it up for Owen to meet her theatrical friends at their usual cafe and as she and Owen turned into the square , there they were , occupying their usual tables on the edge of the pavement .
17 Then strangely the sun began to turn black and the sky dark and as she breathed the shadow of his name she felt her legs folding beneath her and in a moment she had fainted .
18 When Mary came in from work the day after the row she told Mum that she and Albert had had a talk and that she was going to stay with his parents for a bit while Albert sorted out a house and furniture and the paraphernalia of married life .
19 At 5 p.m. a staff nurse joined Miss T. and her mother and Miss T. told the staff nurse that she did not want a blood transfusion , that she used to be a Jehovah 's Witness and that she still maintained some beliefs .
20 I muttered thanks and as she disappeared to the kitchen I stepped up to the sitting room door , knocked rather timidly and entered .
21 He concluded that ‘ a mandate is a mandate and that she will derive real strength from having overcome so tough a challenge ’ , a stirring endorsement , weakened only by Thatcher 's withdrawal from the contest at about the time the column reached the chattering classes ' breakfast tables .
22 Since she was seventeen she had had her own car and when she came to London , a fleet of private hire cars at her disposal , not to mention the taxis that swept round the Mayfair comers .
23 She wriggled her skirt down over her thighs and when she risked a look she was relieved to discover Edward had done his trousers up again .
24 Since the Brownings ' present had paid the year 's rent and since she had managed the household so economically there was an actual income , growing monthly , from the boarders , upon which they could live .
25 It did not cross her mind — and would not , for several years — that Peter could not supply a complete companionship and that she would intermittently always yearn for metaphorical chocolate .
26 I told her that we already had the tape and that she would have nothing to do but be there and play the role .
27 She had switched on the light and as she walked back towards him , he could see her legs again through the dress .
28 But not long after this happy event Fergie became depressed that Andrew would be away in Australia for some months and that she and her baby were being ‘ abandoned ’ .
29 When she speaks to Jane , which will be over the weekend she 'll ask her if she 's doing anything on Saturday and if she 'd like to babysit .
30 He finished tying a big bow dead on Kim 's cleavage and as she turned to go , she winked at me .
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