Example sentences of "[noun] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A down-stuffed duvet in a printed-cotton cover lay over them .
2 There are no obvious geographical barriers along this frontier and a series of invasions , from the Poles in the seventeenth century to Napoleon in the early nineteenth , have borne witness to its vulnerability .
3 Saxe-Weimar 's men were mostly German troops in Dutch service who had fought for Napoleon in the previous wars , and not even Saxe-Weimar himself was certain whether they would now fight against their old comrades .
4 While the Monk , usually politely addressed as ye , declines the invitation of the Host to " " be myrie of cheere " " as he tells his tale ( VII : 1924 – 5 ) , the Nun 's Priest , familiarly addressed as thou , is ready and able to provide what is wanted : The tale the Nun 's Priest tells is a beast-fable : a form of literature that should observe and comment on human traits and manners in a moral light , presenting those traits and manners in a fictional drama in which the characters are of the animal world .
5 While the Monk , usually politely addressed as ye , declines the invitation of the Host to " " be myrie of cheere " " as he tells his tale ( VII : 1924 – 5 ) , the Nun 's Priest , familiarly addressed as thou , is ready and able to provide what is wanted : The tale the Nun 's Priest tells is a beast-fable : a form of literature that should observe and comment on human traits and manners in a moral light , presenting those traits and manners in a fictional drama in which the characters are of the animal world .
6 In her acceptance she broke the code of propriety , went beyond the established manners in a light encounter .
7 Finally , Ebussu'ud Efendi also stipulated the number of students to whom each entitled office-holder in the learned profession might grant and though the numbers which he fixed are not reported , figures have been given above which comprise a partial list for the of 959 and 963 , while Ata'i gives another partial list for the of 973 , in which the kazaskers were each permitted to invest ten students as " the kadis of the three cities ' i.e. those of Istanbul , Edirne and Bursa ) five each , and " the other kadis of the throne " a term of uncertain application , but almost certainly comprising at least the other kadis mentioned in the decree of 963 ) three each : the figures for the kazaskers at least , and probably the others as well , applied down to Ata'i 's own day .
8 We had an altercation that soon resolved itself with me lying face-down in a damp bed of cardboard boxes at the loot of a hidden staircase .
9 Belov had studied her and contrived her release … and for him it had ended with his body face-down in the icy waters of the Neva .
10 She fumbled for the torch , and thumbed over the button with a chilly hand , and the cone of light spilled over a man 's body , face-down in the shallow water , glistening under the abrupt brightness in violent projections of black and white .
11 He later extended the line in both directions and continued to plot and photograph tree clumps in the surrounding countryside , gradually discovering several more alignments , including a parallel system extending from the Sevenoaks Range to the High Weald in Sussex .
12 You will also catch a glimpse of the Big Wheel in the famous Peter fairground .
13 Under sail the yacht can be enjoyed from behind the wheel in the spacious cockpit , or when the weather gets nasty there is a second steering station with complete instrumentation and controls under the dodger .
14 And the motorist who changed a wheel in the fast lane of the M Six .
15 There is no indigenous Welsh wheel in the Welsh Folk Museum so I would certainly feel that your wheel came from the Bristol builders .
16 He 's a sharp operator , adept at playing the angles , continually bouncing gags off the course of a meandering conversation which takes in flotation tanks ( ’ They told me they wanted to recreate the conditions of the womb , but that 's all I need : some jerk in a white coat stabbing me with an ice-pick for half an hour ’ ) : Panama ( ’ Most American casualties over there were self-inflicted , but that 's because we have a lot of Hispanics in the armed services and some guys get confused ; some Hispanics in the armed services and some guys get confused ; some Hispanics shot themselves , they 're that loyal ’ ) ; even , somehow , the British motorway system ( ’ Driving up the M1 !
17 Three freemen : Three long-serving Middlesbrough councillors have been made freemen of the borough in a special ceremony at the town hall .
18 Personally , I had thought that it was the bunch of madmen from the Labour party who ran the borough in the old days .
19 A benign clinical course was associated with : absence of immunoreactive HBcAg or active cirrhosis in the native liver , as well as the presence of HDAg in the native liver .
20 Putting it bluntly , many Protestants fear that they will be unable to continue to practise and promote their religion in a united Ireland .
21 West Indian cricket has been strong for so long principally because it is looked upon almost as a religion in the Caribbean .
22 As he reflected on the brutality of what he had seen done in the name of religion in the Civil War , Taylor asked himself , ‘ If persons be Christians in their lives and Christians in their profession , … why should I hate such persons whom God loves and who love God , because … they have not the same opinion as I have ? ’
23 What makes religion news will be the focus of a new study on the role of religion in the mass media at the University of Colorado , USA .
25 Harsher penalties in particular could help foster a tough , ‘ macho ’ criminal self-image in the young men who predominate in the criminal statistics .
26 It raged well before Israel acquired Judaea , Samaria , Gaza and the Golan in a defensive war . "
27 Neither side is likely to take any unnecessary risks in a key game for both teams , so a draw is likely .
28 He has one daughter , married to a well-known Politician — Vivian Carolan , who is Minister of Fine Arts in the present government .
29 The programme 's aim is to encourage the use of the creative arts in the spiritual and physical development of individuals , communities and society .
30 Previous journals have been devoted to applied arts in the pre-war years , turn-of-the-century design , artists as educators , aspects of British interior design , and the European connection .
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