Example sentences of "[noun] in [noun] is " in BNC.

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1 The clearest example of law as mediator of political religion in Ireland is the Irish constitution of 1937 and its subsequent interpretation .
2 If it can , the scope of the remedy in damages is immensely wider than under pure municipal law , the modern legislation in which has generally eschewed the private action for damages as a means of enforcement .
3 As far as any remedy in damages is concerned this point will not be of any significance and it is most unlikely that any action would be brought in a business secrets case unless some damage or advantage to a competitor had occurred or was thought likely to do so .
4 We have then no reason to be surprised if the distinction between ascription and association in adjectives is overlooked or mistakenly supposed to be a matter of " nuances of meaning " , rather than being recognized as a systematic variation .
5 Pre-scientific thinking in Europe is relatively well preserved in the writings of its poets .
6 The new thinking in Brussels is that labour laws should focus on general objectives and leave details to national governments .
7 This is what thinking in sequences is all about !
8 If the actual money stock in t is accurately predicted by agents at the end of period t - 1 ( in symbols ) , the actual price level in t will equal the price level which was expected at the end of t - 1 since expectations regarding the future behaviour of the money stock have been accurately generated by the efficient use of the information available in .
9 Falck shares a plainness and Englishness with Cope , but his stock in trade is not so much memorability of phrase as an absolute fidelity to primary feeling .
10 The Devil 's stock in trade is the world of half .
11 Like the publishing industry , the academic community is rapidly coming to realise that its stock in hand is not words on the page , but information , independent of its physical realisation .
12 The deal in Russia is that BP 's Moscow office will now be Unipart 's importer for the country , ensuring that reliable stocks are always available of a limited range of the fastest-moving of Unipart 's products .
13 He insisted that experiment in painting is not trying to do what others have done but an attempt to paint what one sees .
14 The Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie near the Porte de la Villette in Paris is one of those technological markers the French like to put down to show that architecture in their capital is not all ormulu and Belle Epoque .
15 Whether this has any significant effect upon the vine 's growth has yet to be determined but it is true that the light in Champagne is exceptional for so northern a latitude .
16 Much of the expected boost in revenue is tied to a financial-transactions tax , which has yet to win final approval from Congress , and to fiscal reform , which is unlikely to be taken up until the constitutional revision due later this year .
17 From that moment of acceptance a partnership in principle is in business .
18 The capacity to make sophisticated discernment in thought-processes is within the grasp of almost everyone and constantly demonstrated in everyday life .
19 But the storing of water as in Rylands v. Fletcher , or industrial water under pressure , or gas and electricity in bulk in mains is a non-natural use of land .
20 The local work force in Cumbernauld is very proud of the fact that it has exceeded the quality standards in OKI 's Japanese plants .
21 The local work force in Cumbernauld is very proud of the fact that it has exceeded the quality standards in OKI 's Japanese plants .
22 The structure of the labour force in Britain is undergoing radical change ( see table below ) .
23 ‘ Think how it wakes the seeds ’ , this itself suggests that the force in question is not God and is indifferent to whether the man lives or dies as although it takes the effort to wake the seeds and the earth it can not wake ‘ sides full-nerved — still warm ’ .
24 It is assumed here that juries and others do attach considerable importance to the label when it is a question of homicide , and therefore that the excessive use of force in self-defence is a matter which is properly reflected by a separate qualified defence , rather than being left to sentencing ( which means executive discretion , if the mandatory penalty for murder remains ) or forced artificially into the doctrine of provocation ( when there may be no real evidence of loss of self-control ) .
25 The active ingredient in garlic is thought to be the compound alliin .
26 ( This implies of course that consciousness in animals is a hypothesis for which there can be no evidence at all unless we resort to anthropomorphism , which we usually do . )
27 Expectations are always exceedingly high and at the minute club football in Cavan is poor . ’
28 Club football in Brazil is in a mess .
29 While the flair derived from street football in Africa is richly prized adjusting to a Wiltshire training pitch in January is not straightforward .
30 Most of the high-tech inward investment in Ireland is concentrated around Dublin and in Cork , and it seems to have been remiss on the part of the Industrial 7Development Agency that having enticed DEC to Galway , it was not able to turn the town into a centre of high-tech inward investment so that if DEC — or others — pulled out , there was every chance of attracting new ones .
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