Example sentences of "[noun] of much the " in BNC.

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1 Germany also began during the first years of the twentieth century to make some patchy and sporadic provision of much the same kind for her trade interests abroad .
2 The high degree of stylistic affinity maintained between the pavements from Woodchester , Barton Farm and Stonesfield ( section 5.1 ) does suggest the work of much the same group of craftsmen .
3 Ella Bembridge was a formidably hearty spinster of fifty-five who had lived , with a wilting friend of much the same age , in a small cottage on the Lulling corner of Thrush Green for the past ten years .
4 She wore a bulky mock-leather jacket of much the same colour as the local brick , a tweed skirt and even in that light , wrap-around sunglasses .
5 The owner was also uncompromisingly twentieth-century , a man of much the same height and age as McLeish but built like a string bean , with brown , short-cut hair and fashionable heavy horn-rimmed spectacles .
6 But surely Stevenson greatly underestimates the place which the attitude theory can allow for rationality in ethics of much the same sort as is thought desirable in science , history or philosophy .
7 In Tuscany and Umbria to this day there are countless hill towns of much the same age as the hill forts of southern England — a few of them much older .
8 Finally , the tessellation of the latter , although comprising tesserae of much the same size as those in the former , presents perceptible differences in the shape of tesserae ( often jagged ) , and uses fewer tesserae to cover a given area .
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