Example sentences of "[noun] of being under " in BNC.

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1 I 've not had a chance to visit abroad yet but I think I 've got two visits booked next year to various remoter parts of the world , but I 've met some who are on leave , recuperating from the circumstances they 've been in , sometimes illness , sometimes just the sheer tension of being under fire .
2 General feelings of being under the weather and slight depression can all combine to make sex seem uninteresting or just a necessary chore !
3 Before attempting to set out an approach to disruptive pupils , I believe it is important to preface the debate with a general comment on education — first , because the nature of the topic can generate emotions that lead to a distortion of the author 's overall perspective , and second , while I am critical of many educational responses to disruptive pupils I do not wish to add to teachers ' feelings of being under siege .
4 The Old Testament bears frequent witness to Israel 's sense of being under attack from her God , and being brought by him to the verge of extinction .
5 ‘ There was something subduing in the influence of that silent and solemn and awful presence ( the Jungfrau ) … one had the sense of being under the brooding contemplation of spirit , not an inert mass of rocks and ice — a spirit which had looked down , through the slow drift of ages , upon a million vanished races of men , and judged them ; and would judge a million more — and still be there , watching , unchanged and unchangeable after all life should be gone and the earth had become a vacant desolation . ’
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