Example sentences of "[noun] of her [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That 's all right , ’ Celia said , thinking of her too , but differently , ‘ I 'll ring Anna .
2 It was hard going , but as readers of her undoubtedly interesting although immensely tendentious book will discover , some progress was made , although so far as I was concerned with astonishing fluctuations in my popularity .
3 At the time of her appointment , Fohrbeck , who is a distinguished sociologist and studied under the renowned philosopher Jürgen Habermas , made no mention of her firmly held and openly practised faith .
4 His mother was rather a stranger to him , so he did n't feel the loss of her so keenly .
5 Now , as the throbbing drone of the aircraft 's engines broke through her dark memories , and she wearily attempted to make herself more comfortable in her seat , Laura almost groaned aloud when she looked back at the total innocence and naïveté of her much younger self .
6 She wanted to be left alone , but now the tedium of her resolutely normal life is plastered across 190 pages .
7 It will be almost impossible for photographers to sneak pictures of her there although the guide says : ‘ It is advisable for guests to draw their curtains if they want privacy because footpaths lead past many of the rooms . ’
8 They had acquired Isvik at a knock-down figure , spent about the same again completing the fitting of her out to their requirements , and Iain Ward had picked her up for not much more than they had originally paid for her .
9 Most significant of all , this 1964 picture starred the woman with the most notable breasts in British movie history , yet who always managed — if only just and with the aid of her equally pretty hands — to keep them to herself , Barbara Windsor .
10 Two days later , he brought me a charcoal drawing of her , very lightly done , a sort of dream-like impression and it was so like her , it captured the essence of her so minutely , that I could not believe he had never seen her , only listened to me . ’
11 Breathing her in , as if to keep the essence of her forever .
12 It was her deep sorrow and unhappiness at the tragic accident that had brought them to the United States , together with all the fraught , highly charged tension of having to be in Ross 's company for any length of time , which had taken its toll of her already precariously weak reserves of strength .
13 Cyprus ( to use a favourite expression of Elizabeth 's ) was taking its toll of her too , for Renny , her son , was doing his military service there .
14 Or perhaps , as Charlotte was reluctant to admit to herself , some part of her secretly approved of this blow at the heart of Maurice 's greed and Ursula 's complacency .
15 She touched him , her hands flat against his chest , tangling in the dark , dark hair , following its trail that led down and down , stroking the aroused maleness that would be a part of her so very , very soon .
16 For at this moment , standing here beside him , part of her really wanted to believe in things that could never , ever be .
17 ‘ Other than this job , ’ she added challengingly , some perverse part of her almost wishing he would attempt to deprive her of it so that she would have something real , present and immediate to fight him for .
18 In truth she was n't really interested in Taureg 's arrival , but anything that broke the self-imposed purdah of her existence was welcome , she supposed , for she still stood outside the real world , looking in ; a part of her still waited in Yeoman 's Lane and none of this strangeness around her was really happening .
19 Just for a second , while part of her still jacked in , a sun imploded around her .
20 Some part of her still wanted to defend Luke Hunter , even though she was beginning to realise that he was far from being the man she thought she knew — the man she had let herself love .
21 She wanted to hate him , and on one level she did , but part of her still wanted him , and that seemed the worst betrayal of all .
22 She felt bereft , but a part of her still sane enough to try for self-preservation pulled her away from him and drew a deep breath .
23 She missed her so dreadfully when she was away , as though a part of her very own body was missing .
24 Or perhaps it was just the usual look of her rather weird eyes .
25 I had to do something to start this cow 's insides functioning because I did not like the look of her today .
26 Freeing herself from his arms , she picked up the coffee pot and whisked out of the kitchen before he could take hold of her again .
27 She moved to the door , opened it and was about to bang it violently behind her when Luke caught hold of her again .
28 He moved towards and took hold of her gently by the shoulders , forcing her to turn and look at him .
29 I ca n't get hold of her now .
30 Could n't you get hold of her yesterday ?
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