Example sentences of "[noun] of day [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Both are out of print and according to his publisher ( the wacky John Muir of Todmorden ) are unlikely ever to see the light of day again .
2 You will probably never see the light of day again ! ’
3 John Franklin , director of corporate finance at the merchant bank Morgan Grenfell , whose clients include both societies and prospective bidders , is convinced a bid for a society is on the way : ‘ The first merger will see the light of day early next year . ’
4 ‘ We all know about criminal cases and traffic offences , but there are many aspects of the work of the Magistrates Court which do not see the light of day as far as the general public are concerned , for example juvenile and matrimonial cases .
5 For example , symptom diaries that have been completed in blocks of different coloured ink arouse a suspicion that the patient may have been completing the diary in blocks of days rather than daily .
6 Hauge is the man who brouht most of the scandivians to england and should be able to fix this ( he brought Limpar , Thorstvedt , Strandli , Flo ++ ) — i guess it 's just a question of days now ? ?
7 Her slim , nude body , warm in the candlelight , warm by the fire , turning and turning , now this way , now that , against him … the curve of her back … the firmness of her hips … her soft breasts … the grace of her neck and the beauty of her , and of her face , and the dark , desperate eyes , begging now , and entranced — these were the images of her he had only half captured in his years of days away from this house .
8 The rebel officers ' paramilitary allies , the Carlists and Falangists , were certainly eager to spill the blood of their left-wing enemies , yet they too thought in terms of days rather than years of actual military conflict .
9 The interdependence of farming and mining , added to technological constraints , restricted the number of days annually available for mining ; the farmer-miner 's smallholding had first claim on his time , and he went to the mine with the limited aim of satisfying , with a minimum of effort , the desire for a particular level of cash-income expectation determined by the need to pay the rent of his holding and purchase a given packet of ‘ industrial ’ goods .
10 A regulatory penalty can also be imposed where an ESL is late , and that is based on the number of days late .
11 The Tropic of Capricorn was a matter of days away and the ice raft was almost gone .
12 He had feared for the project 's viability , particularly after it became more widely known that the old lady was to be put through her paces only a matter of days later and just a few miles down the road on the steeply graded Bodmin & Wenford Railway .
13 It was technically already unnecessary , for money for both lethal and humanitarian aid had been voted by Congress a matter of days before .
14 in a couple of days anyway ?
15 ‘ We should have a rehearsal — you know , go up for a couple of days ahead of everyone else so we wo n't look like eejits . ’
16 ‘ It 's a real emotional roller coaster , and I suspect that a couple of days ahead I will be totally drained . ’
17 So that 's what I do — I bring all my plants and the flowers Mr Frost gave me a couple of days ago .
18 Remember the communiqué they put out a couple of days ago ?
19 Having seen taxis north of Adrar , and then a couple of days ago , a convoy which had not so much as a compass , I had begun to think the desert not so terrible after all .
20 There had been a further recent development ; only a couple of days ago Herr Hamnett 's brother , another agreeable young gentleman , had turned up and collected his entire belongings .
21 ‘ Bill called me a couple of days ago .
22 ‘ Charlie 's fire watching tonight , and I saw him a couple of days ago . ’
23 ‘ A couple of days ago ?
24 I am so excited , I have n't slept since I was told about it a couple of days ago . ’
25 And who , you might have asked a couple of days ago , is Whacker Eunice ?
26 ‘ I thought I saw you following me a couple of days ago . ’
27 Erm , a couple of days ago , that 's what they call a surprise action
28 Alice stood marvelling at this thought : that only a couple of days ago Mary Williams had seemed to hold her own fate Alice 's — in her hands ; and now Alice had difficulty in even remembering her status .
29 Erm I I I did this morning but I 've handed it back to the District Council access to their newt report , which was referred to a couple of days ago .
30 It was in the Tribune a couple of days ago .
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