Example sentences of "[noun] of get [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 This explanation is then offered to others with the intention of getting them to agree that circumstances conspired to prevent you from performing with the excellence and flair that you would , in the normal course of events , have displayed .
2 ‘ It wo n't kill your Dad at all , ’ he said , as he fished in his pocket , ‘ because I have no intention of getting you into trouble . ’
3 These types hang around the Great in the hope of getting them to pull a string .
4 How , then , can we go about defining our strategy in the hope of getting them to react in the right way — the way we want them to ?
5 She wondered if there was any hope of getting them to play cards after supper instead of watching telly .
6 She had only three members of her immediate family left in Bosnia but did not hold out much hope of getting them out .
7 Clearly Leopold had been interceding on Wolfgang 's behalf , in the hope of getting him home and back under his jurisdiction as soon as possible .
8 She therefore proposed that my father should pretend to fall in love with her difficult and very homesick Italian friend so that it would be clear to her parents that there was no hope of getting him for Fiona . ’
9 Right form the start they get the club into the wrong position , meaning they have no hope of getting it into a good position afterwards .
10 But even when it 's all worked out I will have lost £60,000 , with no hope of getting it back .
11 Information on transaction-level data , readily available from IBM 's CICS ( MVS ) and ICL 's TPS Audit ( VME ) facilities , is nowhere to be found in Unix , the only hope of getting it is through RDBMS tools , and in the future from transaction processing monitors such as Tuxedo .
12 Your friend Devlin has n't a hope of getting you out , of course , but we 'd love him to try . ’
13 I feel I 've kind of got it off my chest . "
14 Marriages of persons over that age , but under 18 , are completely valid ; and the only check on such marriages without the consent of parents or guardians is the difficulty of getting them celebrated by the clergyman or proper officer without making a false declaration , which involves penal consequences .
15 That year saw England 's famous World Cup victory , and James Cossins recalled ‘ the difficulty of getting us all out of the wardrobe at the Duke of York 's — the only room with a TV set — in time for curtain up on the second house on the Saturday night that England won , and the fact that the cast were almost too hoarse to get to the end of the play .
16 Somehow or other Pikey found his glasses and , in the course of getting them hung on his ears , discovered his rug was missing .
17 It turned out there was a military call-up in New Zealand , which he avoided by feigning epileptic fits ( a device he subsequently found described in The Confessions of Felix Krull , by Thomas Mann ) , but which had the beneficial effect in his case of getting him placed on national assistance , an invaluable windfall for a poet .
18 ‘ He does but it 's a case of getting him to speak it .
19 The technique of getting them to supply the missing dialogue after a silent viewing of a scene provides a good opportunity for you and them to find out what language they have at their command and how flexibly they can use it .
20 If you have access to old drawings from an engineering firm , jump at the opportunity of getting them .
21 The nightly rigmarole of getting her settled is finally over .
22 The benefit of getting it there early and a little leap word which takes you from a feature to a benefit
23 But that but that 's tha that 's defeating the whole object of the exercise of getting you know more foot patrols , because it 's foot patrols that they 're talking about all the time , if you give 'em a car you go back to the you know the fire brigade syndrome when it was zip zip zip
24 It 's a question of getting them back , they have n't long gone but er
25 I hope sa er , see of course it 's all question of getting it sorted out as quickly as you can .
26 No well I mean I can pay for it , it 's just a question of getting it and sort of erm only we 're not often here on a Sunday , if Mr is here , is it
27 You 're sort of getting it a bit more
28 I er , but Gordon was , sort of got it into his head that er they were .
29 just got ta put something in that in the coursework and the exams that sort of gets you over the forty percent barrier and in psychology it 's not that difficult to sort of waffle your way up to forty percent erm without wishing ma to make it sound too easy erm
30 Now Jean was pleased because I do sequence dancing which I learnt with my husband , and so now this coming September when we start back again , once a month I 'm going to teach some sequence dancing in the hope that some young ones would , will hear of it and , and join because then once you can sort of get them involved with one thing you may sort of get good numbers .
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