Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 However , as Patrick Parrinder has pointed out , most of these approaches — in their concern with methodology rather than with the aims and purposes of English studies — have led to changes in manners of interpretation rather than in the choice of texts : they do not usually lead to any significant reconsideration of the worth of pursuing the interpretation of texts as such . "
2 As I gazed out of the window I could see several groups of red deer in the distance , and in the foreground the brown ferns with clumps of heather here and there ; it was a wonderful sight .
3 Sunlight probed reticently through the thick green canopy , dappling random clumps of fern underfoot .
4 Among the eight examples drawn from the gallery 's stock are ‘ Life Death/Knows Does n't Know ’ , the great wheel of contradiction formerly owned by Charles Saatchi , and ‘ Seven Virtues Seven Vices ’ , in which corresponding pairs such as Hope and Envy or Lust and Faith are illuminated or dimmed in an apparently random sequence .
5 If this turns out to the case the great wheel of horticulture really will have turned full circle .
6 Early this century jute sacks became widely used for home distribution although the export of cement still continued in battels and later in steel drums .
7 Bishop John Fordham in 1384 appointed Lewyn a commissioner of array for the city of Durham , and with several partners he was granted the borough of Durham to farm , and he was also engaged in the export of wool overseas .
8 But even the safest-seeming science is going to be obsolete sooner or later ; obsolete taxonomy , like that of Swainson or Agassiz , is as dead as the dodo , and those who took the risks of Darwinism usually found it interesting and fruitful .
9 Many practitioners come to use LM potencies when treating cases which need more care because of risks of aggravation e.g. patients who are very sensitive to remedies , those with very low vitality , cases with severe pathology , history of suppressive treatments etc .
10 ‘ The defendant had been personally negligent in that he had failed to take such steps and make such inquiries as would have revealed to him the defects in his structure and the risks of fire thereby occasioned . ’
11 Fergus , who had stormed castles and laid siege to fortresses and who knew the arts of infiltration as well as he knew the Twelve Books of Honour , found himself summoning every shred and every tag-end of legend and myth and lore ever whispered or recounted or imagined about the Prison .
12 I think that he will learn the tactics of Opposition rapidly .
13 WE spend thousands of pounds on road safety , yet the DoE are allowed to go out on the roads and lay a spraying of tar then scatter shovels full of loose stones on top of it .
14 There are two sorts of camp on , just like two sorts of call park .
15 My Lord first it was always open to notify and eradicate this problem entirely , secondly there 's the European court make clear the V D S , these sorts of consideration however valid do not of any circumstances provide exemption from the competition which have different objectives and names
16 There are two sorts of sorrel commonly grown as herbs : the English and the French .
17 It was felt that they might get into all sorts of trouble abroad , so we were , informally , encouraged to marry rather than burn , as it were .
18 The first one in the morning often has all sorts of rubbish in .
19 Jane Goodall 's chimpanzee , Figan , and Bernard Rollin 's police dog are the sorts of example particularly favoured by enthusiasts anxious to elevate the moral status of animals .
20 Parents and teachers , like writers of computer programmes , build certain sorts of information more deeply and irreversibly than others into their systems ( children ) ; in the idiom of computer engineers they hard-programme them .
21 To keep our individual definitions as simple as possible we will define two sorts of program mutually .
22 Localisation of protein alone may identify not only producing cells , but also target cells and cells which have taken up the protein by endocytosis .
23 Chris Evert was another player thinking of revenge yesterday .
24 We may describe these polar positions as thinking of education either as fixed states or as processes .
25 The database represents a repository of information together with facilities for data manipulation .
26 Obviously , you need a heavy bomb to cast the distance , so you may as well use bolt-rig tactics that will take a great deal of sag out of that great length of line when you clip up to the rod .
27 Wembley 's Martin Corrie said : ‘ We 've spent a great deal of money substantially improving our toilets and we 're in the process of installing additional facilities for ladies .
28 Yeah I do n't think they 're doing a great er I do n't think they 're making a great deal of money out of it themselves .
29 I have no interest myself in Michener or a lot of the writers of very long sagas erm who have made a great deal of money out of it .
30 I think this is one of the essentials in Harlow and something that people should not forget , that is that , although there is a great deal of criticism possibly of the standard of building that went on over the years of the Development Corporation , compared with what most people came from , there was a very great elevation both in quality and in ideas .
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