Example sentences of "[noun] back [subord] [pron] " in BNC.

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31 ‘ You were ? ’ he exclaimed , jerking his head back so he could see into her face .
32 The young man or woman sings along with the song again again , putting their head back as they do so .
33 She knelt before the fire , facing Raynor now , leaning her head back as he began to explore her body , feeling his hands , tentatively at first and then growing more assured , sliding over her shoulders and her breasts …
34 Rory drew in a deep breath , letting her lungs fill with the cool pine-scented air of the forest , then threw her head back as she exhaled , her hair tumbling over her shoulders in shining , rippling waves .
35 Iron-hard fingers dug into Joseph 's thinning hair and pulled his head back until he was forced to look at the soft spoken man .
36 If you live round the corner from Mary Whitehouse could you pop in and tell her that her phone is off the hook she has n't replaced the receiver and she she 's quite an elderly lady and I would would be terribly upset if if she had n't got her phone back cos she might need it for emergencies or something like that and I am a caring concerned person so could you could you pop round the corner to Mary 's house and tell her that she has n't put her phone on the hook off the hook properly could you do that ?
37 Put my ball back when you 've finished yeah ?
38 Once she had got Phoebe back where she wanted her , the radiographer manhandled Phoebe 's breasts , without interest , between two cold plates .
39 He stood off from the left-hand window and kicked the big bottom pane , pulling his foot back before it interrupted the fall of glass , then kicked again to clear the residue .
40 Then tie your hair back so it does n't get wet or frizzy .
41 Helen took her to the bathroom and held her hair back while she gagged and spat .
42 She was now unhappy living there , did not get on with the son 's girlfriend , and wanted her money back so she could live elsewhere .
43 ‘ But it will definitely be rescheduled for the New Year and fans who have already bought tickets will find they are still valid or they can have their money back if they prefer . ’
44 BARGAIN-HUNTERS who scour the Church bazaar , the Scout fete and the car boot sale this Easter have the right to demand their money back if what they buy turns out to be a pig in a poke , a report says today .
45 ‘ I want my money back if you lose , like Biddy , ’ he said to Nutty .
46 A change of mind does n't fit any of the above criteria , although if the order or advert states that you can have your money back if you have a change of heart , then of course you can .
47 And are n't averse to using fairly unpleasant methods to er to get the money back if you begin to default on payments .
48 But Paramo are so confident in the suit they 'll give you your money back if you can prove it is out-performed by any of the other breathable waterproofs which are now on the market .
49 I says I want to listen to it , you know , I said I 've heard it with C D going through it with about four sets of speakers , but I want to listen to it through eight sets of speakers with cassette , a cassette that I like to make sure , to my type , he says I guarantee you now you will like it , he says you will like he says , he says we do a ten day er return thing , he says you buy something , he says you bring it back within ten days undamaged we 'll give you money back if you do n't like the quality of the sound , for whatever reason we 'll give you your money back .
50 Did you get any money back when you took that box of crisps back that time ?
51 Two years ago , another resident of the same building did get her money back when it was shown her solicitor had been negligent .
52 Towards the end of my Baghdad tour I had regular tussles with the group captain in friendly games of tennis , but I was never able to take a set off him , which never surprised me since he was more or less the permanent Inter-Services Tennis Champion in the UK , ( Oddly enough , Jackie Hunter was my station commander early in the war and saved me from the wrath of my Air Officer Commanding — " Maori " Coningham — when I brought my bombs back when everyone else had " found the target " , but this was before the days of the night camera . )
53 We 'll keep the crowds back as you wash your dirty linen in public .
54 Was n't bad play back when I fi oh it 's not not doing as much as it did before now !
55 At a sign from him the WAAF wound the chair back till I was completely horizontal .
56 Her mind was too concerned with the man who was tilting his chair back as he talked , one slim bronzed hand emphasising a point now and again .
57 Alright , what we 're going to do now , is just give you your er , pieces of paper back so you 'll need your logs , yes .
58 My friend wanted to encourage them to come back , so we put the bales back where they had been and cut a suitable owl-sized hole in the wall .
59 It is not always as simple as following the chain back until we come to a name or a noun .
60 I mean , come on , but I do understand that some of you were briefed or , or Do n't worry about this now , but we would like this briefing questionnaire back before you leave on Wednesday , er , if you were a late replacement , could you just make that plain on there , er , if you were n't briefed , you 've got the shortest questionnaire in the world to fill in .
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