Example sentences of "[noun] between [pers pn] be " in BNC.

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1 Both Helicobacter pylori and non-steroidal non-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs ) are well established risk factors for gastric and duodenal ulceration but interactions between them are poorly described .
2 In common with Descartes , Boyle developed a mechanical philosophy in which the properties of bodies and the interactions between them were explained in terms of material particles and their motions .
3 It does not follow , however , that the division between Catholic and Reformed societies and the antagonism between them were irrelevant to the fortunes of the Copernican system .
4 Consequently , the former could not owe their form to the latter , and so magical correspondences between them were eliminated .
5 Indeed , although Hegel does not admit quite what I am now suggesting , he effectively concedes that , given the difference between the sexes , unity between them is impossible .
6 A full-time multiprofessional Management Board would be created to implement its policies and the link between them was the Chief Executive who sat on both .
7 The only link between us is a sick monkey . ’
8 Policies that directly or indirectly impinge upon the objectives of the railways are formulated at a number of different sites within the state administration , and co-ordination between them is not always assured .
9 It seems that writing and translating is temporarily effective , or at least that the Beggar 's use for an introduction to the poem is of no further service , because no further meetings between them are recorded .
10 It lasted , like that with Elizabeth , for over a quarter of a century , though the five meetings between us were all over by the autumn of 1947 .
11 Whether or not there was substance in the belief that London 's prosperity worked to the detriment of provincial cities , the contrast between them was little short of dramatic .
12 The rift between them is now so bitter , it is believed they will take the final step as soon as possible .
13 The tension between them was destroyed with such wanton savagery that Melanie fell limply back and struggled with tears .
14 I know the rails are electric , but the gap between them is a whole yard wide .
15 Not his sister , Judith — the gap between them was too wide ; not his mother — it would not fit her image of the man she wanted him to become ; and not his father not even his father .
16 Again the gap between them was closing , again they used the cover of straggling tourists to disguise the direction they took .
17 The latter measures are much more difficult to obtain , and relationships between them are the subject of this chapter .
18 Indeed , the possible conjunction of the northern Anglian princes and Domnall Brecc in the same area could imply that an alliance between Angles and Scots or at least concerted action between them was the key to Anglian success in north Britain in the reign of Oswald .
19 The politeness between them was so precise , so finely tuned , it was almost tangible .
20 The offices are I think the offices are I think , for the offices between them were ten pound fifty last time .
21 The division of labour between them is not entirely clear , but their overall task is to bring actions against infringement of the provisions of the relevant Acts .
22 That 's the principle issue between us is n't it ?
23 When their paintings are hung together the dialogue between them is very clear .
24 Any dialogue between them is a step in the right direction . ’
25 As usual , the sound of the shooting gave you no clear picture of what was happening ; the bursts , however heavy , and the ragged , irregular intervals between them were quite meaningless .
26 The gaps between them are so big that if you plunge your arm through into the mantle , the clam is quite unable to grip it — though the experiment is a little less unnerving if it is tried first with a post .
27 The barriers between them were back in place .
28 They make up a physically-associated system , but the real separation between them is over 300000 million kilometres .
29 The separation between them is 21 minutes of arc , and they are genuinely associated ; they are around 29000000 light-years away from us , and 180000 light-years apart .
30 And former Tory chairman Lord Parkinson said the Prime Minister and Chancellor Kenneth Clarke would ‘ sink or swim together ’ , and talk of rivalry between them was nonsense .
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