Example sentences of "[noun] because they have " in BNC.

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1 Will they assume that people engage in this ritual because they have always done so and have been conditioned into it ?
2 It is interesting to note that other countries are now copying our know-how funds because they have been of such help to the former Soviet Union and other eastern European countries .
3 In addition it is freezing cold , and the mares are not wearing rugs because they have foals at foot .
4 It may be true that people put themselves forward for managerial posts in public industry because they have a genuine desire to improve social welfare ( though they dislike effort ) .
5 Certainly , we deplore the practice of aborting fetuses because they have gastroschisis or isolated tracheo-oesophageal fistulla or oesophageal atresia .
6 The bacteria involved in this process are known as chemolithotrophs because they have the ability to produce energy for growth from the oxidation of inorganic sulphurous compounds .
7 Commercial banks have generally been able to provide the finance necessary to support the huge increase in investment because they have collected substantial deposits from savers .
8 The RAF parachute instructors are at a disadvantage against most of the other seven nations because they have never been soldiers .
9 A number of dimensions of child rearing emerged from this material , and of these two are worth special mention because they have been found by other investigators too .
10 They have been informed that they do not qualify for their bounty because they have spent insufficient days at summer camp , despite serving 51 days in the Gulf .
11 Chantelle says that the Gloucester area has lots of good young skiers and they were n't being given a chance so she formed the club and the response has been overwhelming … they survive thanks to parents but they are hoping to find a sponsor … it 's not like a football team or tennis club because they have British champions
12 I have chosen these books because they have similar themes ; they both portray individuals who have problems fitting into , accepting , and being accepted by the societies in which they live .
13 We do n't have to stay with plants , and for this stage of the argument it might be better to switch to animals because they have more obviously complicated organs .
14 erm Yes , certainly , I , I would suggest East and St Clements because they have got quite high ethnic populations , and we can perhaps be hoping to start there , because Environmental Health 's already worked there , targeting some of the multi-occupation properties , so they 've got a very high proportion of black people living there , which means that they 're also quite important in the sense of deprivation , but , I mean , we are also very conscious that we should be working on a council estate , and what we , what I would like to do is to simultaneously be starting working in erm a particular sets of communities , is to be given work in consultation in other wards , so that you know , six months down the line before .
15 And a lot have had to close their lists because they have so many would-be clients . ’
16 thyropentone sodium , where they can assess the effect because they have n't paralysed the person yet , when the person stops responding and is asleep they press the button for Anaesthetized , and then the machine logs the differences between the brain activity between the two .
17 The successful companies take risks because they have Profitbosses to whom they can delegate , whom they can trust to make " risk-decisions " on their behalf .
18 Many hard working people have lost their homes because they have lost their jobs or because their businesses have gone bust .
19 Human physiology and biochemistry are no less appropriate subjects for understanding in their own right and for university study and research because they have become the tools of the lucrative and utilitarian profession of medicine .
20 The EC is blocking pork and beef imports because it claims that American slaughterhouses are unsanitary ; the Americans are blocking some wine imports because they have not tested a drug used in its production .
21 ‘ It would seem odd that facilities so much sought after by the community and approved by their legislators should be actionable at common law because they have been brought to the places where they are required and have escaped without negligence by an unforeseen series of mishaps . ’
22 THE letter from F Harrison said that we should accept Bosnian refugees because they have lost their jobs and homes in the conflict .
23 However , a substantial proportion of the long-term cases are children who have been taken into care against the wishes of their parents because they have not been receiving adequate care or control .
24 Sometimes we need to employ contractors because they have specialist knowledge .
25 There is a real difference between those who belong to the home because they have a natural relationship with the parents , and those who do n't .
26 You could argue that some of them work outside the home because they have to , for financial reasons , but I think it 's indisputable that a ever-growing number want to work outside the home and I think it 's very important that they should be allowed the scope to do so .
27 They say young monkeys brought up apart from their parents have no confidence in sexual matters because they have never observed the adults making love .
28 There are elements of a vicious version of the hermeneutic circle involved : people do n't like poetry because they have n't read enough to come to terms with it , and they have n't read enough because they do n't like it .
29 There are , however , some patients who , though not in an acutely disturbed state , will need extra security for a period because they have been a risk to the public at some time in the recent past or are considered to require special containment while assessment continues in conditions of moderate security .
30 Many small towns in rural areas have been chosen as the sites of branch plants because they have ready supplies of labour which ( drawing on low female activity rates ) is flexible , is relatively cheap , and has little tradition of trade unionism .
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