Example sentences of "[noun] may not have " in BNC.

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1 It is harder to measure how far the campaigns of the civil wars affected the great mass of the population or the country 's internal economy , but the damage may not have been particularly great , as much of the fighting was confined to limited areas .
2 Attitudes may not have changed as quickly as some of the tools with which we do the job but there are plenty of examples of progress which deserve credit .
3 Money may not have changed hands .
4 Calves in this category may not have developed a strong immunity and after treatment should not be returned to the field which was the source of infection ; if this is impossible , parenteral ivermectin is the drug of choice since its residual effect prevents reinfection for a further three weeks .
5 Fragment A is more difficult to analyse as the evidence is incomplete and the habit of keeping to a set rate of progress may not have evolved at the A stage of composition ; but it could have been completed between June 1758 and April 1759 , in a shorter or longer time depending on whether he wrote one verse or three each day .
6 His talents may not have been great but his importance lies in his using them all to express in painting his romantic vision .
7 The door referred to in Katherine Mansfield 's sentence may not have existed , but plenty of other doors , of which we have real experience , do .
8 The Tribunal found , however , that no employee had ever been told that the practice could result in dismissal and the practice had continued , although management trying to impose the change may not have been aware that it continued .
9 Operators may not have to update similar boats to prevent it happening again until 1999 .
10 In some areas , of course , the changes may have been more apparent than real and the necessity of being eligible for election may not have changed the actual personnel who continued to dominate rural politics .
11 With the really grotesque grotesques , the authorities may not have been quite so lenient .
12 We are worried that regional health authorities may not have the necessary outlook required to ensure adequate long-term and national provision and that that will be reflected in the allocation of funding .
13 Some local authorities may not have introduced those measures as quickly as possible , but it goes further than that .
14 At present it appears that local authorities can draw up individual access arrangements with the new owners , but this is not a satisfactory solution , partly because some authorities may not have the motivation to do so , and partly because they are all very short of money and could not back up the agreements financially .
15 The shield may not have proved quite so strong as they had expected , and in more recent times it has been supported by offensive weapons , such as inspections or investigations instigated by the Department of Trade and Industry .
16 Pierre Le Rue may not have mega sales or an exceptionally large following behind him , but the combination of the band 's musical ability and his stage presence made for a very enjoyable evening .
17 THOSE of our readers who drop into a branch of W. H. Smith 's to pick up their copy of New Scientist may not have realised what hotbeds of intellectual ferment these unassuming stores can be .
18 The authors accept that the course may not have given adequate time to practical skills , but the participants ' inaccurate view of their own skills contributed to their lack of success .
19 Firstly , the hypotensive effect of this drug may not have been of sufficient size to reduce microalbuminuria .
20 An adult owl normally knows this and stays in shelter , but inexperienced hunters may not have the sense to come in out of the rain .
21 All these mean that even large multi-nationals may not have sufficient resources to succeed on their own .
22 That majority may not have the political power to ensure this .
23 The acquirer may not have the time or be willing to make the inspections and will not want to accept the risk that some information may have been given to one of its employees or advisers who was unable at the time to appreciate its significance in relation to the transaction , or indeed may have been forgotten .
24 Instead , some individuals or groups in society will fail to forecast inflation correctly and so may , for example , seek money wage increases which are lower than necessary to maintain their real wages ; other individuals or groups may not have the power to gain full compensation for inflation even if they do predict it correctly .
25 This postulates that , although some groups may not have much money in relative terms , they will spend more in defined sectors .
26 Amelia may not have been in the same league as the great adventurers who scale mountain peaks , cross oceans and the icy wastes of the Antarctic and Arctic or shoot the white water rapids of unnavigable rivers , but she was a real traveller , ranked among those who actually get up and go , sacrificing security and facing the cold disdain of their bank managers .
27 Feminists have dared to suggest that the wisdom of many generations may not have been disinterested , or even very wise ; that human experience is not identical with male experience ; and that our ( whose ? ) ‘ fundamental perceptions ’ keep women in servitude .
28 Archie may not have been fastidious , but in his own way he was cultivated .
29 C. P. Snow may not have delineated the cultural divide until 1959 ; but commentators still return to Victorian England for the most potent illustrations of desiccated , materialistic science set against the life of the imagination .
30 Ben may not have been much of a theatre-goer , but he would no doubt have been fascinated by one unexpected visit in the June of 1801 :
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