Example sentences of "[noun] may [be] say " in BNC.

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1 Whilst any legal provisions concerned with the curriculum may be said to add further legitimacy to the instillation of moral , cultural and social values by the education system ( via the so-called ‘ affective curriculum ’ ) , there are provisions associated in a particularly identifiable way with certain values — for example , those concerned with sex and race equality , which may be said to have almost universal support amongst policy-makers and practitioners .
2 The fact that the taxpayer may be said to benefit in some way from the overseas income — he was able to buy the property because the loan was made to him and he could only keep up , or he kept up , the payments of interest by using that income — is not enough to cause there to be a remittance .
3 ‘ If by ‘ ability ’ we mean ‘ measured intelligence ’ and by ‘ opportunity ’ access to grammar schools , then opportunity may be said to stand in close relationship with ability in both these areas to-day . ’
4 Our simple macroeconomy may be said to be in equilibrium when aggregate demand ( i.e. the total demand for final goods and services in the economy ) is equal to national income ( i.e. the total value of all final goods and services produced ) : this is often referred to as equilibrium in the goods market .
5 This leaves a wide range of activities in an area of unregulated uncertainty , including telephone tapping ; this may be official , under Ministerial approval ‘ in the national interest ’ , which Parliament may be said to have condoned or sanctioned , or it may be unofficial in the interests of , say , commercial or industrial espionage , in which case an offence is committed , if only the misappropriation of electric current !
6 Thus , Members of Parliament may be said to occupy much the same position with respect to the nationalised industries as do shareholders with respect to a joint stock company .
7 ‘ The case may be said to be a good example of the stringency with which the courts scrutinise transactions of guarantee entered into at the instance of a debtor who is likely to be in a position to exert influence on the surety and in circumstances in which the surety can derive no conceivable benefit from the transaction .
8 These exchanges may take the form of ‘ mock fighting ’ in which a clear set of rules may be said to operate .
9 This being said , and allowing for the fact that much which was viewed as sexually deviant a generation ago is now viewed tolerantly if not taken for granted , a few words may be said about some practices or groups of practices which are generally recognised as deviant from either the normal object , the normal aim or the normal focal issues of sexuality .
10 Both counsel and judges follow the punctilios of court procedure and conduct , and a few words may be said on these .
11 On the positive side , market penetration may be said to represent some sort of indicator .
12 True religion may be said to add to the spiritual a conscious relationship to the Source of the spiritual .
13 Each citizen may be said to have the right not to have sexual choices imposed on him or her ; whether the law should go further , and hold that each citizen has the right to pursue his or her sexual choices consensually with another ( subject to public-decency laws and to the protection of the young ) , is a question to be considered separately .
14 Enough is enough , the president may be saying in his book and on the screen .
15 ‘ The various shops may be said to form an inverted L , the southern arm following the railway towards London , while the western section is bounded by the Grand Junction Canal and the Stratford Road .
16 Well , but — so some readers may be saying or thinking — what about the content of these so numerous poems ?
17 Whether or not in our time parents may be said to be justified by the sad statistics of the permissive society , it is certain that in the nineteenth century , parents had little option because of the sad statistics of mortality among children .
18 Ideologically , a dynamic small firm sector may be said to reflect the opportunities capitalism offers to those prepared to display individual initiative , self-sacrifice and dedication to hard work .
19 Thus , a child may be said to acquire the rules of grammar , although it is difficult to see how such rules can be established as a result of numerous discrete learning experiences .
20 The temptation for a band may be to say that there is too much hassle attached to gigging in the Soviet Union and to wait for better times .
21 In a sense Patrick O'Brian may be said to offer two heroes , each capable both of influencing events and being affected by them .
22 Any electronic drawing system that allows the designer to sketch , visualise and change plans or ideas may be said to offer CAD .
23 Even the solicitor and the author may be said to be employed — in the ‘ simple language … used and understood by ordinary literate men and women ’ — and if they are employed , their remuneration is surely earned ‘ in employment . ’
24 Still , some things may be said with reasonable assurance .
25 And what is said of the resurrection may be said of other miracles .
26 In financial conglomerates a potential conflict may be said to exist where , for example , the conglomerate , when managing a client 's affairs , has to choose between two solutions for a deal where one choice is preferable from its own point of view while the other represents a better bargain for the client .
27 It is in this complicated sense that misogyny and homophobia once more interconnect , and otherness may be said to inhere within the same .
28 The answer to those questions may be said to depend on whether it is generally as serious to obtain sex by deception as it is by other means ( threats , force , fear ) .
29 We need to hear what the Lord may be saying to us in all of this and be open to the challenge of church planting and the support of other fellowships around us .
30 The level of income at which SB is received is widely accepted as a crude and basic measure of the ‘ poverty line ’ , that point below which people may be said to be ‘ in poverty ’ .
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