Example sentences of "[noun] just [v-ing] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Luke covered the microphone with his hand and leant towards her , his lips just brushing hers in the tenderest of kisses before he whispered softly , ‘ I love you , Fran .
2 The cichlids just seeing them as part of the overall decor would move them out of their way , often causing them to come apart making them useless .
3 One to the police , one to the ambulance , one to the fire brigade just saying we 're proposing to do them .
4 It was , it 's slow when you do n't have the computer just doing it on its own .
5 He was sleeping with one arm encircling his head , small podge of fingers just touching his cheek .
6 Several men turned to watch her progress with open admiration , and this was not surprising for she was very beautiful : tall , slim and graceful with dark , shining hair just touching her shoulders , a lovely skin and a soft , smiling mouth .
7 By 1960 , the American space programme had launched a number of ‘ Mercury ’ spacecraft , and the first of their manned spacecrafts was launched in the early part of 1961 , once again with the Russians just beating them to that objective .
8 A gunman just practising his aim .
9 Did you hear , that was Alan just making it
10 I have a quick phone call I think it was June or July just stating what they wanted to do and i in my opinion it was passed then and it is political .
11 Say if you 're , if you 're really busy at the bar just taking your gloves off and fucking putting them on .
12 ‘ All right , then , ’ said Dolly , ‘ let me tell you that if I 'ave to spend two more rotten days just kickin' me heels , I 'll smash the place up . ’
13 She could spend a few days in Prague just enjoying herself , and … ’
14 Er and then we 'd used to repeat right the way through the day , we had a bus say for sixteen hours and it erm repeated itself every hour and that was boring job just writing it down and repeating it .
15 Speed did a fine job just modelling his Asics sportswear , Kelly played great , Dorigo played really well .
16 With Vicki just having her birthday she 's got all she needs now is n't it ?
17 I spent the evening just holding her , ’ disclosed one bereaved owner .
18 the , Russ ' erm , done , well he 's already got a wall , just make it a bit bigger , an existing wall just taking it around the back so gon na do that in the summer I 'll erm , well in the spring , yeah gives er a bit , a bit of a practice
19 And the quantitative distinction which is well illustrated by this photograph , which is completely typical let me get the one , hang on right , this is a photograph of a hamster ovum with a hamster sperm just fertilizing it there and you can see that the hamster sperm is a lot smaller than the hamster ovum , and this is totally typical , it 's smaller by many orders of magnitude .
20 I have spent most of the day just finding my way here from the castle . ’
21 I had expected you to spend your first week just finding your feet . ’
22 second lazy shit no leave it on , the that 's what it 's for , for Christ sake , they 're giving you twenty five quid just telling what you saying , might be private , be happy there
23 He 's gone to bowl in the deep mid wicket position and Gooch just giving himself a few yards er mid-on .
24 Another thing , if you have a facility for a portable mini-ramp , for instance if you have a hall to put it in , then contact Davie or Jamie on 041 339 6523 because they have one placed in storage just doing nothing .
25 Can all those bracing ‘ think European ’ messages have fallen on completely stony ground , and were Lord Young , Alan Sugar and Sir John Harvey-Jones just wasting their breath and the tax-payers ' money ?
26 It seems to be one of the valves sticking in its guide and the piston just tapping it as it reaches the top of its stroke .
27 ‘ Good morning , sir , last man just collecting his weapon — ammunition and stores all loaded in the truck — ready to go in two minutes . ’
28 ‘ It 's a very patriarchal family , ’ Zoë says , ‘ the family define itself as the men , with the women and children just surrounding them — so when one man gets himself another woman , it does n't change things . ’
29 I 've had enough of men just thinking they can ride roughshod over … ’
30 It 's the hottest mag around , it 'll give you a suntan just reading it — it 's a Sizzler , it 's ZZAP ! !
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