Example sentences of "[noun] just said [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Well Marie just said that he 'd got it .
2 Suzanne Gibson , now when Marianne just said that women need to be aware of their own power , there was quite an interesting smile that came over your face there .
3 If the silence lasts too long for you to feel comfortable , repeat the last thing the person just said or say , ‘ I 'm not sure how to read your silence ’ or ‘ Looks like you 're having some interesting thoughts -would you like to say anything about them ? ’
4 The one the Federation produced is very good , but a lot of reading in it , so , we wanted one we could hand out to people and the the intention is that we , we go on the market next week Thursday and Friday to hand out that leaflet , also to advertise the meeting on the tenth , erm , so that really is as far , and obviously the meetings that , that Lilly just said that Kathy 's coming , that would be an opportunity to erm you know , discuss it further with her .
5 Do I take it from what the hon. Gentleman just said that he now has figures for every local authority under his proposals ?
6 People just said that Elsie was the woman who fell into the river and drowned .
7 James just said that we have n't taken any guarantee fees into this year 's profit er , nor any interest on , on loan stocks .
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