Example sentences of "[noun] then had [art] " in BNC.

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1 Scott then had the cheek to tell me What can I put , good luck ?
2 What did I say , Scott then had the cheek to something me ?
3 England then had the best of the Lord 's Test ; true , West Indies lacked Richards , who was ill , but Edrich was absent too .
4 In the evening abdominal and perineal shaves were carried out and Mr Reynolds then had a bath .
5 Simon then had the agonising decision as to whether Wizard should stay or go off to pastures new .
6 Garnham quickly holed out to mid-off but the rain then had the final say .
7 The other dealers then had a tough time explaining his absence to his erstwhile clients , but one or two told the truth .
8 Us poor workers then had the even trickier job of turning the christmas grotto back into a living room !
9 Price then had a short corner brilliantly saved by Darlington keeper John Lee .
10 Atherton then had a dig for the Pakistani fast bowlers , who made his life so uncomfortable in the summer .
11 Portsmouth then had a good spell , they forced two successive corners but the half ended with United so almost scoring .
12 The people then had an opportunity to raise any doubts or difficulties they may have had about the sermon or other spiritual problem they faced , and Richard Baxter would try to answer their difficulties and resolve their doubts .
13 It 's a magic technique and one which I first tried years ago but never knitted as a pattern as not many people then had the facilities to make use of it .
14 One blood sample was taken before endoscopy and the patients then had a colonoscopy to the caecum .
15 Derek Fielding then had the further unpleasant experience of coming across some of his father 's ashes when he went to recover the cask which had been dumped near a newsagent .
16 The Frenchman then had an untroubled run to the flag except for the downpour on the final two laps .
17 The Frenchman then had an untroubled run to the flag except for the downpour on the final two laps .
18 Underwood then had a good day , making 31 and with Old taking the score to 250 , then taking 5 for 39 as West Indies were all out for 182 .
19 My music then had an unfortunate break of nearly a year when I was eight years old ; we moved house .
20 Lawrence then had the task of persuading Kernaghan to forget about a move to London !
21 Bardot then had a string of lovers including Sacha Distel .
22 McLachlan then had a brief spell working in the pharmaceutical industry before taking over the practice of Cecil H. Cribb , public analyst and consultant .
23 North also managed to slip a piece of paper ( ’ Next time you are in Washington please contact me , my name is Oliver North ’ ) into the hand of Alfonso Robelo , a contra leader , in a reception line ; Robelo then had the problem of transferring it invisibly to his pocket .
24 Chatterjee then had the idea that maybe fusion could be acting within the Earth in the vicinity of the hot springs ; that 50 kilometres down beneath the ground the pressure and temperature caused the Earth to be a fusion engine .
25 The plaintiffs then had a new point which I may call the waiver argument , the basic principle of which is stated in Wigmore on Evidence , 8th ed. ( 1961 ) , pp. 453–455 , para. 2275 :
26 Fianna Fail then had a PV of 44.1 and a PS of 48.8 .
27 The bank then had a grading system ranging from M1 to M10 and he was already by then on M5 . ’
28 Having sworn allegiance to the sovereign on 15 October , the Volunteers then had a special function to perform two weeks later : they were out in force at Divine Service on 29 November , forming a focal point for a day of General Thanksgiving for the glorious victories achieved by His Majesty 's troops by land and sea .
29 Joyce then had the task of making sure each child was in place for the morning " Holiness " meeting , while Captain and Mrs Burrows welcomed people as they arrived .
30 Those employers who were already geared to providing some form of re-entry course for returning nurses then had the benefit of these guidelines to work from , and began adapting their course objectives and outcomes to the recommended UKCC criteria .
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