Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [indef pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A later survey in Sheffield showed how membership of a majority party , and consequently the opportunity to implement policies one agreed with , could influence these preferences .
2 When Mrs Marsh has gone I make Mum something to eat .
3 Well right er okay but erm supposing it was retained as it is , I 'd certainly like to see criterion one retained in the list .
4 We are one of the biggest clubs in the country , the second best supported at home and I 'm afraid that this season I 've become very disappointed with some of the players and management decisions — I think we deserve better and while we 're not in the position of say Swindon something needs to be done if ( and I 've ussed this line before ) we 're not to become perenial mid table finishers .
5 We are one of the biggest clubs in the country , the second best supported at home and I 'm afraid that this season I 've become very disappointed with some of the players and management decisions — I think we deserve better and while we 're not in the position of say Swindon something needs to be done if ( and I 've ussed this line before ) we 're not to become perenial mid table finishers .
6 Applying Morris one has not because one has not done an unauthorised act .
7 Has Cresta someone to oversee it ?
8 He reported that if a house caught fire nobody attempted to put it out because they were all concentrating on protecting the cats , forming up in lines to prevent the panic-stricken animals from running into the flames and burning themselves .
9 Accepting , therefore , that the inadequacies of both capitalism and Marxism are inextricably connected with religion , has Christianity anything to offer ?
10 ‘ In the Norwegian dressing room no-one talks to each other .
11 ‘ I 'll take her to Elinor 's night nurse immediately — I expect she 'll give Annabel something to calm her down .
12 It might give Celia something to look forward to .
13 ‘ Besides , it 'll give Hayman something to get started on … find the right man . ’
14 And erm my brother said well you 've got ta give me some they told Joe nobody had got to go on it from his property and nobody had got to step on it because .
15 But this machine played music no-one had ever heard before .
16 To make it easier to remember , except it maybe it refers to it , maybe it uses book something to refer to them .
17 When I met Socorro everything changed .
18 That would have given Silver something to chew on .
19 Because we all our production costs commissions everything comes out that first year 's payment .
20 Look Graham no-one objects to you having problems — so long as you 're prepared to talk about them
21 Take that gorgeous sergeant of yours , give Hawick something to look at . ’
22 What have you told only you have n't told Gwyllam anything have you ?
23 With only two days to see Paris no-one wants to waste time in car and boat .
24 When I pressed Simon nothing come up !
25 He wanted to give Nils something to do to justify his position so he sent him out to hunt out unusual places for us to play .
26 Having to do things one does n't want . ’
27 Annie missed the first , she had flu ; every time Annie felt an urge to phone Sheila something held her back — a kind of fearful pride .
28 Like , I 'm just asking things everybody wanted to know …
29 is different from other groups because as well as giving people someone to chat to , the can give some people financial help , which Carol thinks is really important .
30 Really , if such a preposterous notion could ever make sense Everything fitted .
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