Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [vb base] to " in BNC.

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1 Dr Williams ' Breeding of Dogs Bill , allowing authorities access to unlicensed breeding premises , was approved by the House of Commons on June 21 .
2 And , from the capitalist 's point of view , the workers in the luxury goods producing department appear to be as productive as those engaged in the production of necessary means of consumption or means of production .
3 While there can be no objection in principle to allowing foreigners access to the English courts , it is doubtful whether they should be permitted to recover damages for defamatory words which may freely circulate in the country where the plaintiff 's reputation would be most affected .
4 Punishment ranges from denying interviewers access to cabinet ministers to holding down the BBC 's licence fee , appointing suitable people to control both BBC and commercial broadcasting , and stimulating the public to accuse the broadcasters of bias .
5 And you do n't need u go to church and listen to the preacher .
6 If schools are fully to develop their pupils , then challenging activities need to be provided .
7 Although concerned initially with resource allocation effects , the concepts of trade creation and trade diversion have been used to analyse whether shifts in trading patterns lead to benefits or costs in terms of gains and losses of consumer and producer surpluses .
8 The Labour party and trade unions say farmworkers need to be protected and need to be treated as a special case .
9 How many lorries can you count mummy listen to us
10 The amounts of flocculating agent have to be determined by trial on the water itself , some waters requiring more than others .
11 As an NPT signatory , North Korea continues to violate flagrantly the IAEA safeguards by repeatedly denying inspectors access to its nuclear facilities .
12 It 's only if jobs produced profit directly that they would consider workers deserve to be paid .
13 Please send contributions direct to the office at Epsom , clearly stating that they are for this fund .
14 Now they are composite , multi-faceted and potentially more dangerous — and the governments contributing troops tend to be much more demanding .
15 The 22-strong team building homes for themselves in East Middlesbrough say regulations need to be standardised .
16 You 're inclined to know things need to be done , to say ‘ Oh they 're alright , it 's not that bad , there are other things I must look at ’ .
17 ‘ Then they feel guilty because they realise patients have to be treated and their colleagues are having to do extra work .
18 ‘ They feel guilty because they realise patients have to be treated and their colleagues are having to do extra work .
19 Financial services including pensions and life insurance subsidiary Allied Dunbar , whose Liverpool office is one of the country 's best performers saw trading profits leap to £376m in the nine months from £142m .
20 Sometimes say people say to me can you give us
21 For obvious reasons race sails tend to be large and range in size from 4.8 to 7.5 sq m .
22 How does aggregate demand respond to changes in interest rates ?
23 Sir Edward Boyle , probably the most gifted and perceptive Conservative Education Minister of the post-war years , appreciated that for schools to flourish teachers need to be kept abreast of good practice and encouraged to be responsive to the findings of contemporary research .
24 Headteachers say governors come to school on special occasions but do n't seem disposed to become involved more routinely in school affairs .
25 The authors acknowledged that ‘ … new needs will come to be recognised and new legal remedies will come to be developed , ’ but asserted that ‘ … at any time there will be some problems which are clearly perceived by lawyers or lay [ people ] as more ‘ legal ’ than others . ’
26 It may also be noted that indistinct analysis of needs will contribute to problems associated with evaluation .
27 Intellectual needs will have to be met , but the meeting of these needs may not be possible until other needs — physical , emotional and social — are first satisfied .
28 Complete palliative response — All global and subgrouping scores increase to within normal range for at least two successive measurements
29 Note that we state purchasing benefits and not sales benefits because purchasing benefits relate to individual buying behaviour .
30 The first part of the definition of a test factor should now be clear : test factors need to be introduced only when they are related to both the variables under consideration .
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