Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 These two techniques are primarily intended for use in table searching in main storage , and are only incidentally usable for direct files ; it is worth noting that they are intended to eliminate the order-preserving properties of division , while using division as a convenient randomizing algorithm .
2 Cleveland and Yorkshire North MEP David Bowe has told campaigners that the EC could grant money for a feasibility study if the line whose future is threatened by British Steel 's decision to transfer Redmire quarry limestone from rail to roads from September was part of a regional transport plan …
3 After a few hundred yards , he sought sanctuary in a nearby house .
4 This incident proved the danger to Special Forces when they sought sanctuary in a neutral country , for Graham Hayes was shot in a Paris prison in the summer of 1943 .
5 On Viola 's approach down the hall , Hilda turned up the gas and made preparation for a hasty departure , but this , it seemed , was not the idea .
6 The research will examine the adoption of new technology within a local labour market using Sheffield as a case study .
7 Recognizing the influence of these figures , advertisers who wish to promote products in a youth market or to discourage drug abuse will summon up images of the alternative culture .
8 Goalkeeper Frazer Digby said he was given £1,000 as a loyalty payment , and a £50-a-game clean-sheet award when he did n't let in any goals .
9 STUDENT Chris Smith was given £1,000 from a pools company — and then told : ‘ Sorry , we 've made a mistake . ’
10 Adrian Hadley , Salford 's £120,000 winger , has joined Widnes in a swap deal for Great Britain under-21 forward Jason Critchley and utility man Steve Wynne .
11 The growth of the tsar 's chancery had embodied a " personal " principle , whereas the abolition of the majority of governors-general had implied adherence to a " ministerial " principle and the reform of the municipal government of St Petersburg had intimated sympathy for a " representative " principle .
12 And indeed , Tarpy and McIntosh ( 1977 ) , using a procedure likely to be more sensitive ( involving , among other things , a weaker US and prolonged testing ) , were able to demonstrate substantial latent inhibition in rats given exposure to a variety of flavours before conditioning .
13 Kalat and Rozin ( 1973 ) suggested that subjects given exposure to a novel flavour are capable of learning that the flavour predicts no aversive consequence , that the taste is ‘ safe ’ .
14 He has decided that the reason Iago proffers for his villainy ( especially the absurd idea that both Casio and Othello have slept with his wife ) are genuine , if deranged convictions , rather than the dispassionately improvised rationalisations of a mind that can not even account to itself for its limitless evil .
15 For example , the son who is chosen by his family to go and earn money in a town and city may achieve a certain status in the joint family — he has been chosen , after all , for his abilities and strength of mind — but he has to suffer months , even years , of separation from his wife and loss of all contact with those who love him .
16 This is how the professionals make money in a bear market , you know .
17 so you got mollycoddle in a way , have n't you , so you know you say
18 Although it was small and its facilities were poor , the standard of learning attained was high , as was illustrated by McJannet in his History of Irvine when he noted that as early as 1729 , the pupils ‘ translated part of a Greek Testament into Latin ; some of the Roman authors into English … and also translated many English sentences into elegant Latin with great dexterity . ’
19 The law does make provision for a person on a child-abuse register to know and to challenge that decision but the information does not have to come through the school record .
20 And the County Council 's consistently said to the West Yorkshire authorities , you must make provision for a range of sites in suitable locations to help draw er development that would othe otherwise come to North Yorkshire .
21 The County Council also accepted as part of this oral approach that there was a need for an alteration to the structure plan , because the approved structure plan did not make provision for a new settlement as an element of approved North Yorkshire strategic policy , and we 've progressed that erm alteration through to the examination er in public er today .
22 These independent structures are then transformed to dependent ones : " After she had swept the room " , etc. , and made part of a complex sentence .
23 Even when meaningful financial rates of return were calculated , and proved to be low , but just in excess of the cost of borrowing , decisions were taken to implement projects as a result of pressure for action .
24 So for the time being it would be prudent to treat money as a major variable in our relationship with crime and conformity .
25 On May 4th , before a meeting of the Council of the Americas , he said that the only way he could build support for a system of open trade was to apply the laws that Congress had put in place , and to hold America 's partners to agreements they have made .
26 A CLASSIC Rolls-Royce limousine which had been in the same Scottish family for 60 years made £21,275 at a Sotheby 's weekend car sale at the Royal Air Force museum , Hendon , North London .
27 ‘ You must regard exams as a joint problem you must solve together .
28 ‘ Suits me , ’ agreed Lefevre with a grin .
29 Systematic sampling of West German voters carried out in 1979–80 indicated that 13 per cent of all voters in the Federal Republic had a consolidated extreme rightist ‘ world view ’ ; 14 per cent responded positively to the statement that ‘ we should again have a Leader who would rule Germany with a strong hand for the good of all ’ .
30 To claim money as a major human goal is not to make any specific claim about ‘ human nature ’ ( such as its mercenariness ) since it is not so much a goal in itself but the facilitator of almost all possible human goals — expressive , artistic , acquisitive or whatever .
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