Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [modal v] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Even seeing Arabella might be unwise .
2 To make the assumption that JustText was only capable of producing text would be to do it a grave disservice .
3 First , the works procedure for handling asbestos should be reviewed and additional emphasis placed on procedures to be followed in the event of an accidental release .
4 I just say that I 'm sorry go on do n't want to be dejective this evening but I mean minutes will be taken notes will be taken points have been raised I think that 's a very valuable point that you 've actually have raised .
5 Double-vault composting toilet : If people wish to reuse excreta in their gardens or to sell it to local farmers composting toilets can be built as long as users agree to follow strict rules of maintenance .
6 To leave the country without seeing Salalah would be a tragedy .
7 And members agreed Geraldine would be an asset .
8 Well , I mean Brody may be able to survive by not actually only having a few months between doing it and being revived I think .
9 The traditional approach to statistical analysis is to use one of a range of tools to test for ‘ significance ’ as a means of indicating whether or not an explicitly formulated hypothesis can be upheld ; Fasold ( 1984 , chapter 4 ) discusses the application of this general method in sociolinguistics .
10 Care and Repair projects may be beneficial in achieving this aim .
11 Reflecting surfaces can be used too : glass on pictures , windows , the TV set .
12 When you so eagerly accepted your first-ever part did you think Mowgli would be wearing a kaftan ?
13 Traditionally reared birds can be hung because they are dry-plucked by hand — a careful procedure which leaves the skin intact .
14 The response to treatment is usually rapid and if diarrhoea persists coccidiosis should be considered as a complicating factor .
15 Thus labelling rules may be necessary so that , for example , consumers know what ‘ pure wool ’ really means .
16 I have no doubt that companies in that area which have proven expertise will be in a strong position to win contracts on merit .
17 Venables insists Taylor should be allowed to stay in charge of England 's World Cup campaign for the three remaining make-or-break qualifiers .
18 But Kelly insists Taylor will be allowed to complete his attempt to return to America for next summer 's finals from the three final qualifying games against Poland , Holland and San Marino next autumn .
19 The company 's scheming activities may be used in the production of detailed engineering drawings to be passed to sub-contractors for production .
20 The paths would be made from bricks left over from the building of the house ; the little hedges , not more than twelve inches in height , would be box , and spaces large enough to accommodate blooms would be devoted to arum lilies ; the others to gravel .
21 I should think Sophie will be OK with her — there 's been quite a lot of contact . ’
22 In constructing the scheme we have assumed that the division of surplus-value between unproductive consumption and accumulation would be 50 per cent each ; and also that the unproductively consumed part would be divided in the same proportions as Marx used .
23 ( Clause 7.01 ) A statement of the initial capital of the firm preferably expressed in monetary terms ( for which purpose , agreed values should be entered in the firm 's books in respect of any non-monetary contributions ) .
24 Well I should think Dan might be
25 Nuclear extracts from all three cell lines were used for band shift experiments to investigate whether any correlation between transcriptional activities and DNA binding patterns could be established .
26 At the opposite extreme , with a 100 per cent income tax rate , there would be no point working and again tax revenue would be zero .
27 And by now , the tabloid writers were switching their attention to other male members of the Neighbours cast , and hinting Kylie may be dating them too .
28 Crockery and eating utensils should be washed in hot water and detergent .
29 First , launch aid may be seen as a pre-commitment by European governments not to allow Airbus to be bullied out of the industry .
30 David Beaton poulticed it every time he could get the old man to stay at peace long enough , but as soon as it started to heal Eachuinn would be up and about , restless , until the deep puncture festered and broke out again .
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