Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [adv] he " in BNC.

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1 When he agreed to go ahead he could not have been more generous .
2 He should be able to take care of himself — and yet she wo n't even let him out of the house without demanding to know where he 's going , who he 'll be with and what time he 'll be back . "
3 The greatest human being I ever met , Bill Shankly , sent me a letter 20 years ago , after hearing I 'd written to Harold Wilson demanding to know why he had n't been honoured .
4 Do n't you want to know why he 's been looking for you ? ’
5 Leeds did n't want to know when he was a youngster .
6 In the following pairs of examples , ( a ) represents normal placement and ( b ) contrastive : a ) I want to know where he s travelling to ( The word ‘ to ’ , being a preposition and not a lexical word , is not stressed. ) b ) ( I do nt want to know where he s travelling from ) I want to know where he s travelling
7 ‘ I know that Ella and Dimity — everyone in fact — will want to know how he is and would like to call , but they do n't wish to intrude at a time like this .
8 I shall want to know how he knew when and from where that bomber was taking off .
9 She sought to discover where he had obtained the information he was supposed to have passed on to a Sunday newspaper .
10 From the open door of the shed he had a good view of Firelight grazing and she got to know where he was and would come up to the hedge close by and wait for titbits .
11 Welcomed in his loneliness into the congregation of a lively evangelical parish church in a northern suburb of London , he had come to see how he might be finally delivered from inconsequence .
12 And the main news again , an Old Bailey judge has explained why he 's stopped the prosecution of the three detectives accused in the Birmingham Six case .
13 Endill tried to see where he was but it was too dark and he waited , not daring to move , for the Headmaster to put on the lights .
14 You want to know why he 's coming .
15 They want to know why he was in Portugal .
16 And if he 's out — ’ she was reaching for the handkerchief in her apron pocket — ‘ I want to know where he is .
17 I want to know where he goes , who he meets … everything . "
18 I want to know where he goes . ’
19 In the following pairs of examples , ( a ) represents normal placement and ( b ) contrastive : a ) I want to know where he s travelling to ( The word ‘ to ’ , being a preposition and not a lexical word , is not stressed. ) b ) ( I do nt want to know where he s travelling from ) I want to know where he s travelling
20 In the following pairs of examples , ( a ) represents normal placement and ( b ) contrastive : a ) I want to know where he s travelling to ( The word ‘ to ’ , being a preposition and not a lexical word , is not stressed. ) b ) ( I do nt want to know where he s travelling from ) I want to know where he s travelling
21 If an author says that a third of the present holders of dukedoms in Britain have been divorced we want to know how he found this out .
22 I want information , Millet , I want to know how he 's going to cope .
23 I want to know how he 's doing in general and where he needs a bit of encouragement .
24 His father , David Wilson , said : ‘ We want to know how he died .
25 The young MFI salesman who is only concerned in making sure the commission on your purchase accrues to him , not his colleague , has forgotten why he is there in the first place .
26 He had never been an impressive priest — dispensing sacraments , sermons and whist-drive announcements with the same patient ennui , like a weary shopkeeper who has forgotten why he ever started to sell .
27 Later , he became a weaver and then moved to despatch where he remembers sending ‘ tons and tons ’ of carpet to America on the first Friday of each month .
28 He has has n't he ?
29 Yeah he has has n't he ?
30 If , if he wants to come in he 's got to pay a deposit anyway .
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