Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [noun] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 To coincide with the study 's publication , the council renewed its call for the Data Protection Act to be amended to enable individuals to see any file on them kept by the league .
2 EC insists that carrots are classified a fruit to enable the Portuguese to continue using carrots to make their jam .
3 However this made naming names to sell the programme a little difficult : no big stars , no even moderately famous ones .
4 One year 's notice was given to enable schools to get the records into order .
5 Further information on programmes which have so far been developed to enable students to gain entry to Higher Education can be obtained from the Scottish Wider Access Programme ( SWAP ) — see page 22 .
6 President Roosevelt was re-elected in the United States of America , in November 1940 , for a further term of four years , so the ‘ lend-lease ’ arrangements were then undertaken to enable Britain to receive much needed supplies .
7 You had to go sit scholarship to go to the county school we call they called it .
8 Three out of four UK chemical firms surveyed by Friends of the Earth failed to support proposals to extend to the UK the level of openness on toxic emissions required in the US .
9 ‘ It is intended to enable parents to dovetail their career and family commitments and thereby to ease recruitment problems which are already being felt in all areas of commerce as a result of the steadily falling number of school leavers and graduates . ’
10 The requirements on schools to publish information about pupils ' aggregated results of national curriculum testing ( see Chapter 5 ) , and the decision in 1983 to publish HMI reports on individual schools , are clearly intended to enable parents to evaluate schools ' performance through a comparison of their academic achievements .
11 The methods proposed are intended to enable students to obtain insights into aspects of cohesion and narrative structure ; insights , it is suggested , which are not as readily obtainable through more traditional techniques of stylistic analysis .
12 In addition to this aspect of the deal , the acquisition is also intended to enable SFA to expand its involvement with the European market .
13 This switch was intended to enable Roshanara to retain her influence by stepping in as the child 's regent .
14 At the same time , new vocational qualifications and grants to encourage schools to develop high-quality technology courses will mean wider opportunities for pupils less academically inclined .
15 Yes , I think we actually positively discriminate to encourage girls to take advantage of this open school .
16 A huge cast of characters — each of whom are given intermeshing chapters to narrate the US perspective on the mess and sacrifice of World War Two — is flung out all over the globe .
17 This was particularly true , they feel , of the 1926 and 1932 Hadow Reports which sought to encourage teachers to adopt more progressive curriculum practices .
18 Also when the system is undergoing user trials , or is in production , users may want to request changes to simplify the use of the system or to provide additional functions .
19 Because you take it in turns to provide biscuits to have with erm Okay .
20 Under some pressure from the Liberals , he agreed to accept amendments to reduce the standard rate of income tax in his Finance Bill , but his alternative scheme of including a 2 per cent surcharge on employers ' National Insurance contributions was much attacked in the City .
21 The long-overdue report from the Cairngorms Working Party is to be published next Friday after more than two years of debate and consultation which sought to find solutions to cope with increasing people pressure on the area .
22 It also passed enabling legislation to allow further constitutional amendments to be made in the wake of the peace treaty .
23 René Théodore , designated as Prime minister under the Washington accord , called on Haitians to put pressure on the military government to force its resignation , and on April 13 the Congress rejected a proposal by the C.-in-C. of the Army , Gen. Raoul Cédras , for a " national conference " ostensibly intended to find ways to restore stability .
24 In allowing farmers to plant certain crops such as soya beans and wheat without losing existing government support , the bill was intended to encourage farmers to plant crops in response to market demand rather than government incentive .
25 The activity is also intended to encourage students to see literary texts as a valuable means of providing insights into the subtleties of linguistic form and function .
26 It was intended to encourage students to make self-assessments and to keep a record of their own progress .
27 The questions given above under " Groupwork " are intended to encourage trainees to look for evidence as to the effectiveness of the technique and the teacher 's use of it .
28 The food-sellers were doing a roaring trade in spiced sausages and , beside them , water-sellers with great buckets slung round their necks sold cooling drinks to soothe the mouths of those who chewed the hot , spicy meat .
29 FORENSIC scientists are using techniques originally developed to catch arsonists to detect traces of glue in sniffers ' blood .
30 Because of the lack of new lending and the resulting shortfall in financing to provide collateral to support the bonds , the US Treasury eventually agreed in January to issue the bonds at a higher effective interest rate .
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