Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The USA on Nov. 13 suspended a US$19,000,000 aid programme , demanding progress on democratization .
2 Routine control visits by VAT inspectors frequently raise queries on businesses ' VAT returns .
3 Routine control visits by VAT inspectors frequently raise queries on business ' VAT returns .
4 If you require hospital attention and the cost exceeds £50 , the HCI Representative at the resort can , if necessary , make payment on behalf of the Norwich Union .
5 Simensen turns tide on leader
6 As a result of the progress made , it was agreed to cancel the meeting in Tombouctu but to continue discussions on Jan. 16 in Algeria .
7 Through its 260 pages , the manual offers text on technique , lighting , special effects , composition , portraits and much more .
8 ‘ It 's disgusting , ’ contributed Mrs Harper from time to time , presenting her flat , mean , worthless little counter simply because she could not bear to remain silent , to sit back where others played , although she recognized herself temporarily outnumbered , ‘ disgusting , I call it , ’ and Shirley , hearing this phrase for the millionth time , had a vision of households all over Britain in which censorious , ignorant old bags like her mother-in-law , who had never done anything for the public good , who had nothing positive ever to contribute to any argument , passed judgement on others while stuffing themselves with goose and roast potatoes and sprouts and apple sauce .
9 This provoked a warning from the Russian Supreme Soviet on July 17 that inclusion in Baltic states ' legislation " of articles which make discrimination on grounds of nationality the norm " could lead to temporary economic sanctions against Estonia , which had a 33.3 per cent Russian minority .
10 Beveridge , however , studied the German experiment more closely during the next year and concluded that the contributory insurance principle could not only reduce costs ; it could also eliminate reliance on means tests . ’
11 And that 's why we do n't make money on carriage forwards cos we do n't sell carriage forwards for the positive reasons , we say , well if they do n't want them send them back , or if they 're damaged send them back .
12 Used envelopes were recycled using stick on economy labels .
13 At the same time they had to continue running existing services , carry through any other major developments already in the pipeline and make progress on resource management and quality assurance systems .
14 General Motors and Ford both expect to lose money on car manufacturing this quarter for the first time since the 1982 recession , largely as a result of overcapacity in the market .
15 Yet they are using blackmail on miners to vote to close pits earlier than they year that had been decided on so that they can close the pit down and they have cut the redundancy payments for miners .
16 People 's view of building is often somewhat different , and many feel savings can be made by not expending money on architect 's fees .
17 I met Marianne on Jerba , an island claiming mythic status as the place where the Sirens held Ulysses .
18 Erm we expect to see improvements on chlorine , but I ca n't give you a time .
19 There are at least three different types of screw threaded necks on bottles , and each needs a specific closure in order to form a seal with the top of the bottle , otherwise the bottle leaks .
20 The five ASEAN contracting parties tabled proposals on Nov. 29-Dec. 1 aimed at giving effect to the mid-term review decision in the tropical products sector ( see p. 36508 ) .
21 What they did not seem to perceive was that non-intervention in the Spanish conflict was part of the policy of appeasement then being followed by the western powers , or that , even if a European war began before the Spanish conflict were settled , the European democracies would be reluctant to take on extended commitments , especially if this meant running the risk — as they saw it — of assisting communism on Europe 's southern flank .
22 Commentators are also pressing for a staggered implementation , with companies being allowed to report progress on compliance for a given period of time .
23 Israel defers decision on Egypt 's talks proposal
24 ‘ We lose money on recycling , ’ he admits .
25 The government announced plans on July 10 to end military conscription by 1994 .
26 Can you build cities on top of the mountains ?
27 A Shanghai newspaper , Wenhui Daily , reported that a panda had been caught after killing and eating sheep on farms .
28 The educational psychologist would prepare notes on Balbinder .
29 Russians in mood to hit Reds on break
30 In the mood of schoolboys off on an expedition to plant stinkbombs on speechday , the party set off from Westminster Pier , shadowed by two police launches .
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