Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 Medical or other expert reports that have been disclosed to the other side should not go in Sched 1 , Pt1 , of the list , even if they have already been disclosed to the other side , but always go in Pt2 , otherwise one will lose the right to claim privilege for such reports .
2 ‘ The myth of the political neutrality of technology is frequently invoked both by politicians , seeking to explain the effects that a particular technological development has on society , and by the technologist , seeking to disclaim responsibility for such effects .
3 It is , however , in the best interests of the partners if the partnership is commenced in this way , since the document agreed upon by the partners will make provision for most eventualities which may affect the partnership .
4 A wall of storage units will make provision for most of the paraphernalia you own and might either incorporate a bar and a desk flap to let down , or a permanent table set at right angles to shelves and cupboards for work , games , sewing and hobbies .
5 Theoretically the sub-contractor should make provision for these on-costs in the rates or daywork rate agreed with the builder , but frequently the provision is inadequate .
6 Obviously , repayment of the loan at some future date , particularly at retirement , will be desirable , so the borrower should make provision for this sooner rather than later .
7 Some birds and animals come via the RSPCA and he receives funding for these ; but he himself pays for the care of injured wildlife brought in by the public .
8 The French lorry drivers started their blockade because of new laws being introduced which mean disqualification for any driver accumulating 6 penalty points on his licence .
9 Nonetheless , very considerable experience of using groups for this kind of research shows that they do tend to produce very consistent results , even where different researchers cover the same problem .
10 These directors were usually given responsibility for all aspects of quality except medical quality , which was left to the initiatives of the Royal Colleges ( see , for instance , RCGP 1985 ; Campling et al.
11 The " game " is one in which the people on the outside are given responsibility for those on the inside , crossing the circle with their eyes closed .
12 I 'll have to go look for that book then wo n't I ?
13 If your experiment involves other people ( e.g. if you are comparing different readers ' responses ) , you need to consider ethical issues which arise , including ( a ) getting their permission to use the results ; ( b ) showing them the results and explaining them ; ( c ) not using their names when you report the experiment ( even if they have given permission for this , there is unlikely to be any point ) ; ( d ) the ethical problem that sometimes an experiment is best conducted if the test subjects do n't know what it is for ; that is , if there is a " secret agenda " .
14 Our representatives are now canvassing support for that .
15 The final design and location of the junction between the Outer City Bypass and the trunk road section of the Musselburgh Bypass are matters to be considered jointly by the Regional Council and the Scottish Development Department when finalising proposals for these schemes .
16 They readily admitted responsibility for that evening 's aborted robbery ( by destruction of meters ) at Thistle Street during the preceding months .
17 A doctor asked permission for some medical students to see how the wrist was set in plaster .
18 Dr Norris said the doctors were demanding protection for all health care ‘ homicide ’ .
19 Let them make programmes for each other .
20 Convicted prisoners are outnumbered by the euphemistically named ‘ undertrials ’ — remanded prisoners for most of whom trial is months ( if not years ) away and many of whom , detained pending police investigations , have not yet been charged with an offence ( Diaz 1977 ) .
21 Some schemes made provision for such practical work in the classroom .
22 The Act made provision for such an office , which has now been established and has already contributed to increased efficiency in the division .
23 The Act also made provision for some appeals to be disposed of by courts composed of two judges rather than three .
24 Pre-harvest is the silly season for meetings in France , writes Tim Green , and we are bombarded with invitations to attend meetings for all manner of services allied to farming .
25 However , if health authorities differ in their priorities and make provision for that health care which they consider to be a priority , then Type I systems can mean that residents of different health authorities find access to some forms of health care even more unequal than at present .
26 Remember that almost all Anabantoids need to be able to reach the water surface to take air through the Labyrinth organ , so make provision for this .
27 S 44(1A) ( B ) and ( 2 ) , TMA 1970 make provision for this by allowing the taxpayer to elect to have the appeal heard in the Commissioner 's division nearest to his place of residence ( or place of business ) .
28 An order made by a court in any part of the United Kingdom in bankruptcy proceedings can be enforced in any other part of the United Kingdom as if made by the corresponding court in that other part except in so far as the order relates to property situated there ( unless the Secretary of State and the Lord Chancellor make provision for this ) ( s 426(1)-(3) ) .
29 The first Plan identified the need to re-examine programmes for all categories of schemes to ensure that those which produce casualty reductions are given appropriate priority .
30 Continue to re-examine programmes for all categories of schemes to ensure that those which produce casualty reductions are given appropriate priority .
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