Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] that we " in BNC.

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1 This showed that the conditions in space were unusual and that unusual chemical processes were taking place , and they were then producing molecules that we did n't expect .
2 We made mention that we 've already submitted something in writing .
3 It was only in the hotels and catering industry that we encountered a widespread use of temporary working which was not only called casual working by the parties concerned but which also was likely to be , or had been , unequivocally accepted as such by labour courts .
4 Now we never set up questions on the show — we 'll discuss areas that we might go into , but we never say , ‘ You say this to me , and then I 'll say that to you ’ , it just does n't work like that .
5 But we tried things that we 'd done in theory .
6 ‘ In Britain there is a great willingness to work ecumenically and a longing to find ways that we can actually share in the tasks that there are within the country .
7 To look only for what we want means that we stay locked within our present knowledge and ideas .
8 By avoiding this situation and pretending it 's not happening means that we can actually be risking the lives of one our friends , one of our family .
9 We will seek reassurance that we are loved in all kinds of bizarre ways rather than acknowledge there were times when we were not loved , or we may never have been loved , or even that we may have been hated .
10 Accordingly your refusal to concur in Robertson 's telegram is approved and you are requested to inform SAC that we are strongly of the opinion that such contemplated violation of agreed Anglo-American policy can not be justified on grounds of administrative expediency . "
11 Er I 'm not s erm er it does n't include jobs that we 've done the design work on and sent to the areas for building .
12 Yes , we do need to fight and I did make reference that we need not just to organize and cooperate with other public sector workers , but we actually need to build a campaign with the users of the services .
13 We told Frank that we would support him if he stood up to the little tyrant , that he would feel better if he did , citing our own experiences , mine in particular .
14 As we sat down for Cabinet I told Nigel that we must meet afterwards .
15 I assured Mr. that we in Spokes would find the funding for the project , and that indeed the Edinburgh Green Belt Trust had been approached , and that they felt the project was one they would be willing to support .
16 erm , I have n't , I was gon na go and , I tried phoning Lorne one time I was going through to Glasgow just to see if I could , can I have a , can I have a pint with him or something , erm , just to chew it over cos he suggested you know he 'd made various helpful suggestions , in the meantime I did n't manage to meet him , but in the meantime I did manage to speak to my father-in-law who has a camcorder and er he will be more than happy to erm , he 's also got editing equipment , he would be more than happy you know , to do the home made video that we 've talked about , I need to talk to him about this because the obvious place to do will be the Lyceum on one of your shows
17 Anyway , at Stevenage Town Hall we told Ralph that we expected some money for these .
18 Yes sir , the , you 'll recall that carrying out this re this particular review to finalise the er fire safety review and members have accepted the recommendations from that in which sought to ignore that although we have an limited number of specialists inspecting officers that we widened the remit of all employees in the Fire and Rescue Service so that all er operational fire fighters carried out some form of inspection , thereby producing a higher work output than before .
19 Dogs can manage up to 35,000 to 40,000 cycles per second , so that they are able to detect sounds that we can not .
20 Last week , for example we were looking at the mind boggling distances that we encounter when we journey across the universe .
21 The Commission make us do things that we do not want to do and stops us doing what we want to .
22 It already makes us do things that we do not want to do and stops us doing things that we want to do .
23 ‘ This was our chance to play together and show people that we 're about artistic expression , not violence or prejudice . ’
24 Danny Baker 's new breakfast show Morning Edition ( R5 ) , provoked comments that we were downright insulting : ‘ He is no more that just a loutish version of Jonathan Ross . ’
25 But it was still comforting to have with us little Liena , our 19-year-old interpreter who was a very competent rock climber and all-round mountaineer , for she had climbed Elbrus in the past and could give assurance that we were on the right course .
26 And you told Kath that we would n't have to go this weekend .
27 We regret the things we failed to do , we reproach ourselves for things we did do and feel relief that we have moved on .
28 ‘ Brothers , let us stand here resolute and show Order that we are united in opposition !
29 Finally we observe that unc and so , if we replace the unc sign by + , if we simply drop the unc sign and if we then agree to write unc we establish a notational way of writing polynomials that we might just find a little easier to work with !
30 We may forever want confidence that we have come to the ultimate facts about some physical process .
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