Example sentences of "[verb] [be] [that] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In fact one of the things that 's most disturbed me about some of the recent discussions that have taken place in the great debate has been that on the one hand people have talked about educating people for adult life and learning more about the way people earn their living , learning more about industry , more about productive things , and on the other hand they 've been talking about maintaining standards .
2 And I think that the argument has been that on the whole discipline the use of discipline simply to punish drinking is n't going to be appropriate , although there may be forms of behaviour produced by excessive drinking that it 's appropriate to act against .
3 A practical consequence of this relationship has been that from the late nineteenth century onwards managerially and technically trained personnel have been well represented on the boards of major German companies .
4 So far in this chapter my argument has been that by entirely removing the Devil from the Christian world-view , or simply silencing him by demythologising him away a la Bultmann , we undercut the gospel as divine drama .
5 All round the feeling has been that by developing political representation , cooperation has increased its hold on the general public and is daily attracting new adherents to its principles .
6 In the UK , the most notable defection from an international company to set up an independent search business has been that by David Norman and Miles Broadbent , who were both previous Mds of Russell Reynolds in London , and who took with them other colleagues to found Norman Broadbent .
7 A comparable area of research has been that by Genevan workers with a concern for environmental processes such as Doise and Mugney ( 1984 ) and Perret-Clermont ( 1980 ) , who have claimed significant advances in cognitive development when children work in pairs on Piagetian tasks .
8 A variant theme in recent historiography has been that by the mid-ninth century , nobles had been too much influenced by the church 's stress on peace , and had thus become unfit for military service .
9 The effect of this change in responsibility has been that in many schools the provision of meals and the supervision of children during the mid-day break has drifted out to the margins of importance and there has been , in general , a gradual decline in the numbers of children receiving cooked meals on school premises .
10 The result has been that in many GIS spatial queries initiated by the user must be formulated in terms of a software-specific command language .
11 The result has been that in some cases the insurance premiums which manufacturers have to pay to protect themselves are so high as to make it no longer profitable for them to remain in business .
12 In view of this , a frequently canvassed suggestion has been that in referred mergers the onus should be placed upon the firms to demonstrate that the proposed merger would directly confer benefits to the public interest .
13 Another noteworthy aspect of his success has been that throughout his career he has rarely enjoyed the luxury of playing alongside another bowler of similar pace .
14 The result has been that within the legal framework , policies have been chosen on an ad hoc basis .
15 Racism is not unique to Western culture — what matters is that at present the West has the power to go with it .
16 What Marslen-Wilson and Tyler propose is that at the onset of a word no reduction of the cohort by context has occurred , and that initial reduction of cohort size depends solely upon sensory input , not context .
17 The only problem with the plot of Strange Place to Meet is that in order to win Gerard Depardieu you need to look like Catherine Deneuve , palely gorgeous in a sable coat .
18 A very important point for married couples to know is that as a result of independent taxation each partner now enjoys his/her own annual exemption of£5,800 instead of , as before , their gains being aggregated ( i.e. added together ) for tax purposes .
19 ‘ Something else that people forget is that in the twenties swimming was strictly segregated , ’ he recalls . ’
20 What he does know is that at least some of the whales seem to have started making Puget Sound their regular summer feeding ground .
21 What we do know is that in the autumn of 1869 Nietzsche was contemplating a large book , but one of a different kind .
22 What the lectures at the Royal Institution seem to indicate is that despite these changes the age of ‘ two cultures ’ was still some way off ; at the elite level , those interested in the advance of science also wanted to hear about other cultural activity .
23 One common division in social research that needs to be addressed is that between allegedly different kinds of inferential structure encapsulated in the dichotomy between qualitative and quantitative social research .
24 The only significant power of veto retained was that over bills to prolong the life of a Parliament .
25 What they did not know was that in ten years time , that beautiful picture was to be blighted by Britain 's first commercial nuclear power station .
26 What she could not know was that by refusing to deal with the Protestant threat until the crown matrimonial had been obtained , she would throw away the strongest card in her anti-Protestant hand before having a chance to play it .
27 Now one of the things that Ronnie Reagan was disappointed to find was that in order really to address his budget deficit , he cut federal aid to the states but he did it er dressed it up in an ideological argument which said you know that the government is too big , government is too intrusive , government should get off the backs of the people , you know , er we should n't go to government to solve our problems , government is the problem , that 's one of the , one of Ronnie 's other memorable phrases .
28 What happens is that on a high speed reach there is so much sideways pressure on the skeg that an area of low pressure around the skeg sucks air down and creates an air pocket around the fin. , therefore making it useless .
29 In short , what happens is that in England — and here one does mean England , rather than Scotland or Ireland — the non-academic makers and moulders of literary opinion are judging poetry by standards which are sixty years out-of-date .
30 What happens is that in order to protect ourselves we erect barriers of denial of feeling between us and the pain .
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