Example sentences of "[verb] [be] [prep] it " in BNC.

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1 In Washington , President Bush appeared in the White House press room to tell reporters ‘ Yes , it has been worth it . ’
2 In Central Office , Patrick Gower consoled himself , ‘ It has been a strenuous year but it has been worth it and it has been fun .
3 Of course he has been over it a million times in his mind , but when the normal glide speed is 160kts , with the drop tanks you should have 175kts , add another 15 on top of that to flare it from a descent , and he really needed 200 kts to make a decent landing in those conditions .
4 And the bed looks like a troop of soldiers has been over it . ’
5 He talks about his ileostomy ( a permanent colostomy ) with the lack of embarrassment that only someone who has been through it can .
6 But Mr Bond has been through it all before .
7 She has been through it all with such tremendous courage and coolness . ’
8 He has been through it , seen it and done it all before . ’
9 Larry has been through it all .
10 Firstly , er , I could assure the committee that the working party on provision of secondary and primary places which is published by the education committee , is taking the auditor 's report very seriously , and has been through it in detail , and has er , drawn up a programme of , of analysis , erm , over the next few months , very much taking into account the district auditor 's comments .
11 he has been on it yeah
12 No one who has heard a 3-year-old , lately able to utter only single words , saying things like ‘ The difficulty with me is , I do n't want to go to bed ’ , or ‘ it looks to me as if my brother has been at it ’ can fail to toy with a Chomskian or Cartesian notion of innate ideas , the deep structures of language being in us from before birth .
13 It would spoil the flow to point out that everybody has been at it since the start of recorded time , or that much of the world has been fighting keenly away in these recent decades , while Western Europe was trying to invent the political structures that would make sure its nations never fight each other again .
14 There are some , like erm , oak trees live five or six hundred years if they 're lucky , pines can live for a thousand years , giant tortoises for two hundred , well these are quite impressive figures , but let's face it it 's not very long , erm , compared with the time that evolution has been at it .
15 I see that the television game show that inspired letters to you recently has been at it again .
16 The troughs are realising you have forgotten something you learned right at the beginning , finding out you have been saying ‘ taste ’ instead of ‘ try ’ for six months , falling asleep over vocabulary , believing you are ready to understand speeches without help and discovering you are not , being corrected by another non-native speaker who has been at it the same time as you , and taking an hour to tell a Lada joke .
17 I would have discovered once I 'd been through it all .
18 She 'd been at it since tea-time , since lunch , since she got up .
19 If he did n't understand something , he was reluctant to stand up and ask , instead he 'd worry it out himself , sometimes I reckoned he 'd been at it all night .
20 And of course a lot of the engineering was on textile machinery and er I did n't , I just would n't go back to it after I 'd been at it about a couple of years .
21 And this man he was a regular dustbin , dustbin man and he 'd been at it all his life and he used to play cards with us and his family , his sons , and , and as many else as got any money to play pontoon or brag .
22 She 'd been at it for the past half-hour , ever since she 'd arrived to interrupt Rory 's precious sunbathing break .
23 it was , it was actually there was a programme on television and my husband took me to the doctor and he said he felt I 'd been on it too long , I 'd been on it about six months and when I come off it , I come off it pretty quick and I ended up erm I did n't know what was wrong with me and it ended up I 've now got epilepsy , and they did n't know if it was caused through erm I took a stroke about three four month after that and then I got the epilepsy as well , so they do n't know if that me coming off it
24 it was , it was actually there was a programme on television and my husband took me to the doctor and he said he felt I 'd been on it too long , I 'd been on it about six months and when I come off it , I come off it pretty quick and I ended up erm I did n't know what was wrong with me and it ended up I 've now got epilepsy , and they did n't know if it was caused through erm I took a stroke about three four month after that and then I got the epilepsy as well , so they do n't know if that me coming off it
25 So that created a problem and we then found that a number of people were leaving Brothers to seek their fortunes elsewhere because the work that they liked to work on and you know traditionally they 'd been on it for years , er was no longer there and er subsequently there was a slip in the numbers employed .
26 I think it was just the thought that she 'd been on it you know , and a nice bit of heat and everything , relaxing .
27 They 'd been in it only a year , but Mrs Yardley had lavished as much effort on it as she had on her beautiful cake .
28 The water smelled dankly of mud and winter , which I had n't seemed to notice when I 'd been in it .
29 I 'd forgotten you 'd been in it . ’
30 as I told you before I 'd been like it before and it
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