Example sentences of "[verb] [be] [unc] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But that is neither the history nor the practice of our professional system , not just er for accountants but for the legal system as well and I think it has stood the test of time , er he will know that there has been er there is a procedure for the joint disciplinaries scheme er which enables the er institute to investigate whether there has been compliance by member firms with the standards promulgated er with er er by the er er auditing practices board and that seems to me to be the er right way forward .
2 Has been succ there has been su there have been successes though have n't there ?
3 Has been succ there has been su there have been successes though have n't there ?
4 like most of these these have , erm what I want to know is er why , when I was disposed of as you like as a useless article , why I am suddenly called upon by this government to be one hundred per cent , not fifty per cent responsible , but one hundred per cent responsible , not only for my children which I 'm quite happy to do , but one hundred per cent responsible to keep my wife off of benefit and one hundred per cent responsible if she should ever want one , t for her partner .
5 found it v very difficult cos erm atmosphere as I say was erm really dreadful
6 I think what I 'll do is erm when totally confused about what they 're gon na do and who 's gon na be what and
7 The memories I like to remember is er when things have worked out for children and they 've gone back home and if they have n't gone back home , then they 've moved on er to nice adoptive families .
8 And certainly in terms of the sec the sector approach , the one which erm Mr has produced is als almost coterminous with the with the way in which we wanted to look at it .
9 Erm and erm again the last comment I 've got is er how much was affordable to himself .
10 and we , we would ask of that , but the next point and erm , is this my Lord erm at the moment erm the negotiations are erm proceeding in relation to the house , about which we have heard evidence , er , we could not properly buy it until it had been investigated by the court of protection and there was approval of that , and er it will be necessary for er consideration to be given as to how it should be purchased , in practical terms , firstly your Lordship has erm awarded a figure of seventy one thousand pounds , then there is the eighty thousand pounds on the existing house which takes one up to a hundred and fifty or thereabouts , and one sees that the special damages and interest thereon comes to something over fifty two thousand pounds to which these er parents will be entitled in the normal way , and if they were to apply , they might do and apply , that would go a long way to purchasing it and the court of protection , if it approved that might take the view that it would be fair to take something out of the notional aspect of damages for loss of earnings , because after all the plaintiff would have spent his earnings for housing and so on in the future , that , that is the sort of problems that now have to be tackled er what , what we would respect and suggest is er simply that there is liberty to apply erm .
11 And erm we wo n't have time to go through all of these afterwards , but if I hand a few round to you , what I 'd like you to do is er just have a go and jot down some of the er solutions that you would provide .
12 What I was going to do was erm just get a good quality joiner have he gives me a price for doing that and then I basically sell the advertising .
13 Erm when we were telephoned at home and called out to report to Police Station erm I ca n't remember the exact time that we got to Police Station and it would have been er somewhere in the region of four o'clock in the morning .
14 But of course it went , you see with the traffic and things like that I 'd perhaps it would n't have been s quite so handy for me because I 'd no parking room there because there was a big back to there .
15 Working conditions of the taxi driver are extremely poor and could be likened to Victorian times , hours worked are ra rarely less than sixty per week , there is no holiday pay , no pension rights , no sick pay , and no say in which way the trade is administered by local authorities .
16 think were erm well to be quite truthful I do n't know how they managed to exist on it and have a little bit for the occasional treat , erm or to have a a packet of cigarettes or whatever .
17 Thank you very much well it 's always a pleasure to hear of about the Seamanship Foundation and I 'm sure that , as you might be saying , and er the need for the foundation 's fundraising will be rather heightened this year as a result of last year 's drop but I 'm equally sure that you will get a tremendous amount of support from the members and on that note which I think is er also is an important method of concentrating our priorities and on the basis of we 're extremely lucky to be able to pursue a really very enjoyable pastime with relatively few problems and that if we can get those opportunities to many more , who would otherwise not be able to enjoy and in fact frequently do n't get to enjoy any other pastime , we should endeavour to do so and consider ourselves lucky that we can .
18 Okay , well I think what we did was erm Right we talked about the list of exclusions , things that we ca n't record because Maureen 's already done them .
19 I , I had been er just in the chorus of the opera company and er you know , various the church choir and things like that I was in .
20 Yes I think that probably this had been er very wise in this er in so I 'm not saying that they 've helped us or anything but they 've kept the middle of the line and erm In the beginning when things were beginning to whatsit er the inspector sent two policemen down here and asked me would I ask the lads not to do any damage to property and all this , and that and said , Right there 's a lodge tonight and I shall ask them I shall tell them to do that .
21 The value of the firm 's shares , which had been 50/ when he made his generous ‘ F.S.T. ’ gesture , fell steadily from 1920 onwards until they reached 3/6 in 1927 and then went down to 1/8 in 1931 .
22 Well I went dow back down the Road cos there was a traffic jam and er I sort of went down oh sorry mate went down a road like which I thought was a good short cut , and they 've got a lot of these roads and they 've put like pavements across the end of them with bollards , and I went back and then there was a traffic jam and I got stuck because they were unloading a lorry so I 've been er basically pissed about .
23 So I said well you know , I ca n't just wind it up over the next six months , I said er what I wan na do I said is erm I got ta carry it on for that transit for that Orion till I finished anyway so it 's got ta go another year so I said well what I 'm feeling about doing I said is er just sort of keeping a finger in the pie I said , he said , if I 'd said tomorrow , if I had finished the whole the tomorrow I 've got ta buy a car I can buy it finance so I 'm gon na get no tax relief on the H P I get no depreciation no nothing like that I said so at least if I still self employed I can if I have the sort of two or three vehicles or whatever three , four , five vehicles but I said at least I can have some erm and I can then sort of they would be more utilised , where as I said at the moment we got more vehicles than we really need to keep full capacity so he said yeah , yeah fair enough then .
24 Well what tends to happen is erm when when the blinds erm the only time it 's a bit noticeable is when the blinds completely closed .
25 Last last time I was er resting was er about sixteen months ago and er I actually applied and got pretty far down the line er for a position within Woolworths only to find that er when they stated that they wanted people between the ages of twenty eight and thirty five they did actually mean that .
26 And I was tel telling , I did n't realize that erm not getting a fa erm a squint patched was erm as dangerous as it is , as , I was told by the ophthalamagist that she could , he could lose his eyesight if he had n't erm did n't get his eye patched because they will stop using the eye , and the eyesight would go .
27 But er I would have thought they would have presented themselves better , had they have been er well a little bit more colour about it .
28 As far as I know , they have been er certainly have been erm involved in most of the ballots so far , but I know there is a discussion going on about whether they should be the .
29 And there have been er quite detailed negotiations between the two counties and my understanding is that North Yorkshire County Council have agreed with Humberside that on no account will their their proposals stray across the boundary into Humberside .
30 Some of our competitors in the north have been er really struggling and erm offering four pounds off on a seven pound fifty entrance fee so bearing that in mind we 're v v very confident that we 've im improved our market share in that area too .
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