Example sentences of "[verb] [modal v] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although this book is in no way offered as a study of history or architecture , I hope that some of the information gathered may be of interest to those who love Cumbria and cherish the old buildings and traditions .
2 The males to be vasectomized should be of a strain or genotype with a good breeding performance .
3 Her faith in the prince 's justice perhaps larger than that , in God 's — had never admitted any question of the outcome , assured that a plaintiff her husband favoured must be in the right .
4 " it was desirable that the buildings to be erected should be of a character suitable for a Grammar School and not limited to those of an ordinary Secondary School and that the position be fully reported to the Educational Charities in the Town . "
5 Legislation has intruded on free contracting in few cases ; particular types of clauses in consumer contracts are rendered ineffective , and in some cases contracting must be in prescribed form .
6 The initial conceptual models were developed almost intuitively , based on the idea that , for a College to be self-sufficient , the income received must be at least equal to the cost of providing the further education courses at the required level .
7 ‘ Normalised earnings ’ are defined as FRS 3 earnings stripped of those exceptional items that the user thinks should be below the line , while ‘ maintainable earnings ’ are the earnings attributable to the ongoing business .
8 I 'm afraid that this time he wo n't be so lucky … he wo n't come back and I 'll end up losing him to some atrocious person that really and truthfully I do n't think should be on this earth
9 Bless our work bless us that all we do and say may be to your glory and for the sake of your kingdom guide us
10 On behalf of the solicitors Mr. Sumption argued that the power to make orders under section 6(2) was extended to persons concerned in the contravention because money ordered to be repaid , or contracts or securities ordered to be delivered up , or guarantees ordered to be cancelled may be in the hands of third parties , such as agents , assignees or chargees .
11 ‘ for the purpose of prostitution ’ Means that loitering or soliciting must be for the purpose of offering her body etc. for reward as outlined at point 2 ante .
12 ‘ What would my esteemed partner say must be on that land before it can become a resort ! ’ she asked .
13 At age 11 , the SAT should be of greater length and complexity , and the pupil 's response might be mainly but not exclusively written .
14 No one was expecting a gloat , although a spot of bragging might be in order .
15 Perhaps more importantly , the total number of crimes committed would be of little interest because there is great variation in the meaning and significance of individual criminal acts .
16 It can be seen that any contractual remedy that P2 has would be against P1 .
17 The stuff Rufus wanted to know would be beyond the average reader 's comprehension .
18 Nevertheless it is probably fair to assume that a private customer 's needs will be for " standard " investments .
19 The question of spare land is the subject of a study by the British Library Board into what the British library 's needs will be after the new St. Pancras building has been opened in 1996 and how needs may be satisfied .
20 A key concept to emerge in preliminary field work was that of educational homogeneity and a major focus as the research develops will be on ways and means by which such homogeneity is produced and sustained in two strikingly different socioeconomic circumstances .
21 What we mean … is that the probability of the person 's having an accident is high , and his own mariner of driving will be at least a partial cause of the accident .
22 Not only have I learned that soon I will not only be responsible for myself but a small vulnerable child who for many years to come will be under my protection , but I have also gained an inner strength that I never knew I was capable of having .
23 If you have to use files created by someone else , finding out which file you want to retrieve can be like looking for a needle in a haystack , particularly if that person is out of the office .
24 Livingston said : ‘ I gave that straight to the British doctor in Barcelona because that is the only thing I could even remotely think might be behind the drug result .
25 A new national organisation he believed should be on a smaller and more economical scale than required by the struggle up to 1833 ; functioning as a watchdog over legislation and supplying information to ministers and public its style had to be ‘ very prudent and discreet ’ .
26 * The Malaysian government is considering extending the period of timber concessions to 25 years , with the proviso that trees cut should be at least 40 years old .
27 The group of persons against whom the hatred is stirred must be in Great Britain .
28 Facts selected should be of critical importance to understanding of a principle .
29 What spontaneous air had written must be of more than natural significance .
30 Hewlett-Packard says it is preparing the appropriate channels to handle the volume box , which it says must be in place before the thing is launched .
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