Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] he had " in BNC.

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1 Apart from the light from Craig 's torch , still propped where he had left it against the main power conduits , the chamber was dark and empty .
2 One story of how a local university academic had come into the police station to report his car missing , because he had forgotten where he had parked it , was repeated with relish ; while another which I told on my return from university satisfied these deeply held views of the ‘ intellectual 's ’ practical ineptitude :
3 Rumour had it that although he made his home in an unoccupied derelict house near the CPR docks , he was really very wealthy , having buried his family fortune long ago and quite forgotten where he had left it .
4 It also transpired that he had done virtually no mathematics .
5 It transpired that he had been sleeping rough for weeks and that his last known address was a Salvation Army hostel 100 miles away .
6 It transpired that he had been scouting at the Festival .
7 Paul wanted to retch , and at the same time felt his member thrusting against his clothes ; there was no denying that he had wanted this , when all was said , for a long time .
8 After demonstrations outside his home and threats to his life , Tshisekedi refused the position , denying that he had agreed to take it at a secret meeting with the President .
9 By Nov. 20 Mahdi Mohammed was reported to be massing reinforcements in Warsheik , about 60 km north of Mogadishu , and had placed a satellite telephone call to the British Broadcasting Corporation denying that he had been ousted .
10 While emphatically denying that he had acted improperly — Richardson claimed that his resignation was motivated by the desire to avoid damaging the ALP 's prospects in the next federal elections , due by mid-1993 — he admitted meeting Symons in his Senate office , writing a reference for him , and telephoning Amata Kabua , President of the Marshall Islands , after Symons was arrested .
11 Mars-Jones J in Palacath Ltd v Flanagan [ 1985 ] 2 All ER 161 decided that a surveyor was not immune without specifically denying that he had acted as a quasi-arbitrator .
12 The doubts about Mr Lamont 's survival grew after it was disclosed that he had withdrawn from the panel on BBC TV 's Question Time programme tomorrow , with Mr Clarke replacing him .
13 An Italian engineer recently arrested in connection with the supergun affair disclosed that he had been employed by SRC associate company ATI to co-ordinate production of supergun parts in Italy , Switzerland and the UK .
14 Deputy Minister of the Interior Juan Carlos Mazzón was also dismissed on Jan. 15 after Noticias magazine disclosed that he had served nine months of a three-year prison sentence imposed in 1981 for fraud .
15 Lothar 's marriage , and some of his activities in 833 – 4 , suggest that he had designs of his own on Neustria .
16 Mr Lawrence adds that he had no industry network and little background experience on which to base decisions , so he spends a lot of time getting to know people in the industry .
17 And Eliot lets us know that he had to argue with Pound , who wanted in some items that Eliot excluded , and wanted out some items on which Eliot insisted .
18 Did this man know that he had ruined our game , our happiness , everything we held dear ?
19 If there should be trees out there , swaying in the wind , then he would know that he had lost all sense of time and place and personal identity .
20 Then he deliberately looked back to meet her eyes so that she would know that he had made a decision With a slight lift of his shoulders , he accepted his decision .
21 Allow , say , an hour at the scene , and with luck he would be home again before Nell woke and she need never know that he had been away .
22 When one recalls that for decades geography was not recognized as a scholarly discipline , one can not perhaps be surprised that some scientists have unsuspectingly spent their whole careers studying geography — rather like the well-known character of Molière who did not know that he had been speaking prose all his life !
23 Did he mean to let Ned know that he had not found her up to scratch and then , after so much humiliation , deliver her over to the Dallams ?
24 He had also engaged to do the same thing for Chief Superintendent John Coffin and one or two other enemies if he could get round to them , but he had let Place know that he had a prior claim .
25 Nor could anyone know that he had reservations ; that he did n't feel as we all did , treading that ground .
26 He let Turgenev know that he had enjoyed his Sportsman 's Sketches , but his interest in them probably derived from his love of hunting rather than from the fact that the stories cast aspersions on serfdom .
27 She would never let him know that he had broken her heart .
28 They did not know that he had worked as a locum at Bolton Royal Infirmary and the doctor did not tell the infirmary that he was HIV positive before or after he was employed for six shifts in the casualty department .
29 On Friday the boss called the boy into his office noticing that he had only felled one tree .
30 Orchis is Greek for testicle , which is what the roots look like , and Lydia had told the company so , because Mrs Molesworth , gazing fondly and favourably on her husband , had divulged that he had bought her orchids on the recent occasion of their wedding anniversary .
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