Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] if you " in BNC.

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1 And the barriers drop , so if you try and go through when the lights are flashing or if you try and go round the barriers the chances are the train 's getting nearer and nearer and could hit you .
2 The tipsters and sporting gentlemen who frequent the stables and have the inside running from the horse 's mouth as well as from the trainers and jockeys suggest that if you are seeking a handsome return on an investment you should sell your house and put the money on Alain Prost to win the world championship this year .
3 ‘ We strongly suggest that if you open a new course you want to get feet on greens quickly and that means building pay as you play courses . ’
4 The figures also suggest that if you hold a qualification , you are half as likely to be unemployed as someone who has none . ’
5 So to sum up , I suggest that if you are investing a sizeable sum for the first time , put most into two or three UK- based funds called , probably , UK Equity , UK General or UK Equity Income .
6 And some commentators suggest that , and I 'm thinking here particularly of MacPhearson in his book erm erm erm Possessive Individualism , The Theory of Possessive Individualism erm they suggest that if you , according to Locke , if you purchase or inherit property in the territory of a particular civil society that counts as express consent .
7 They did n't know that if you have ecstasy you should drink a lot of water because of the risk of heat exhaustion .
8 You do know that if you 're stopped you 've got to get all that backdated do n't you ?
9 Mind you , do you know that if you 'd marry somebody erm years older than er and that , she says , well if I die she 'd have the money .
10 Would n't it be good to know that if you had an accident , you could be referred — in English to a lawyer or doctor immediately ?
11 And it 's good to know that if you have to , you can .
12 But there were loads of spaces and I also happen to know that if you do n't stay long the hotel management does n't mind . ’
13 Twenty years ago it was expected that if you trained you would surely be accepted into the membership of your trade union and be given the chance to compete for the roles that were suitable .
14 However , the TTJ also report that if you want the real cause of bird 's eye features , do n't ask a scientist .
15 Reducing The Risk , a leaflet sponsored by British Telecom and published by the Trust , emphasises that if you feel frightened , you should listen to your instincts and speak calmly , gently and slowly .
16 You expect that if you set a 10:10 standard on a [ large well-known company ] for a , say a pickle liquor , or something , if you did that they would comply because they 're big enough and they 've got the expertise , and so on .
17 Well , I ca n't promise that if you leave I 'll be as generous as he was ; I 'll continue your allowance certainly , but as for a house , no ; for as you are well aware , because you know the books as well as I do , it takes us all our time , even with my salary , to continue living here as we have done of yore .
18 ‘ And do you promise that if you need a shoulder to cry on , you 'll come to me first ? ’
19 In this country they say that if you do n't like the weather all you have to do is wait five minutes and it will get better .
20 Sangster said : ‘ They say that if you have a good horse , a top jockey will invariably become available .
21 A lot of people say that if you play fast you have no feeling , which is completely wrong .
22 A lot of people say that if you play fast you have no feeling , which is completely wrong .
23 People say that if you do n't ask you get told more , but I have never found that to be true .
24 It 's an ideal place to see the action and the race organisers say that if you 're fairly fast of foot , you could always dash from the start and catch the race leaders in Trafalgar Road and Romney Road .
25 Some say that if you stood it up-ended on your roof it would look like a television aerial .
26 " They say that if you ca n't watch an auto-da-fé , you 've something to hide ! "
27 One man in particular er again I wo n't mention his name but anybody that went to Road School 'll know who I , I mean when I say that if you did anything wrong he 'd call you out and ask you something and if you , if you like pupils used to be a bit shy and , and not speak to him he 'd slap you across the face .
28 And so to take what we would describe as a reasonable view on this , we say that if you know from evidence there are a number of concealed households , you should seek to accommodate them .
29 Peter and say that if you do n't do this you 're going to lose that , because that would n't be being
30 If he was n't there then I would say that you you 'd be on a sticky wicket , because most terms of employment say that if you er have a driving licence and you lose it then your employment will automatically finish .
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