Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] still [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As a sociologist , what he is interested in is the knowledge of a social group and as a Marxist he is interested in the ‘ maximum potential consciousness ’ of a group or class — what it could know and still remain a coherent group .
2 Environmental Services are keeping and still recruiting the best people and the result is still reflected by our peers and the country 's opinion formers .
3 It can be a different matter where staff are overworked and underpaid and still expected to smile constantly .
4 Having become the political expression not just of the state appropriate to Ireland but of Irish catholics as well , the Irish nationalist tradition contained and still contains within its confines a culture of violence antithetical to the church 's traditional teaching .
5 I think if you do n't go to train and still find your way into the profession some of the essential things you need to know about and be able to do will take that much longer to achieve .
6 Double Silk , owned and still ridden at home by retired , 66-year-old farmer Reg Wilkins , was plunged on from 7–2 to 5–2 favourite .
7 Amalfi Cathedral has been partly rebuilt but still has its beautiful campanile and eleventh century façade doors ( 377 ) .
8 ‘ Not only has but still does .
9 are trapped while still using their insights regarding the economic or social bases of Thatcherism .
10 However much one wanted to run down the existing hospitals , demand for beds would keep them open unless patients were quite unscrupulously discharged while still needing considerable care .
11 The egg then germinates while still attached to the parent plant and produces the next asexual generation — a thin stem with , at its tip , a hollow capsule .
12 Do you think that still happens ?
13 What about the bit at the top of page two , which says that still do n't use them in York
14 I 'm glad everyone is well at your end , and hope that still applies , as it does here .
15 and things , you think is it worth it because the car would be sat out here , if , if say , say I transferred and still did three days but did it when you work
16 As the church began to take shape the fivefold Vineyard philosophy of ministry began to be applied and still forms the church 's reason for being .
17 I managed to get all my work done and still watch some of my favourite programs on the television .
18 With what they have seen and still see ,
19 Church Farm has been tenanted ever since , and from Clives , through marriages to the Earls of Powis , it came and still belongs to the Earls of Plymouth .
20 Although there was — still is — a tree growing through the middle of the house , the stone walls had been well built and still stand to this day .
21 He said : ‘ I checked and re-checked and still did n't believe it .
22 ‘ Oh , they still function and still live in the married quarters with their families .
23 Philosophy always has begun from Athens on from a recognition of the extraordinary facts of the diversity of human belief and attitude , on moral questions , on questions of social organization , on questions as to the ultimate nature of the universe , the destiny of man , and all such things , the most astonishing diversity of belief and attitude has prevailed and still does prevail amongst people .
24 Planning permission for its conversion into a dwelling existed when the barn was purchased , but the scheme was particularly disliked by one of the new owners who believed , partly for the reason cited above and partly because of her training as a sculptress , that a simpler treatment , more strongly evocative of the barn 's original function , might be adopted and still give comfortable and convenient living accommodation .
25 The theme of the ‘ little man ’ made and still makes Fokine 's Petrushka so memorable .
26 Nursery and day care provision have expanded but still do not meet the demand .
27 ‘ Would you be kind enough to tell me your name ? ’ he asked , wriggling while still attempting some semblance of charm and authority .
28 We recognise this and we are determined to achieve a transport system which is as safe as it can be made while still remaining effective .
29 That was where I met and still meet the only person I 'd call a friend ; Jamie the dwarf , whom I let sit on my shoulders so he can see the bands .
30 ‘ Yet with the right kind of controls , and the development of proper management for the species , the caiman could be conserved and still create income for local people and foreign exchange for the government . ’
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