Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] people [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 I suggest that people will most likely stare at him anyway .
2 Count Nikolai adds that people can join individually .
3 How do you know that people ca n't tell you 're Irish ?
4 Does he not know that people will actually die , old folk who will turn down the heat without telling anyone ?
5 A classic experiment in the U.S. by Glass and Singer 5 demonstrated that people will perform more productively if they have more control over their environment .
6 By allotting such a major place to ideological practice , Althusser supposes that people must somehow be cajoled , duped or persuaded into roles which do not reflect their true interests .
7 We might have expected that people would give particularly low ratings to sources they described as biased but there was little evidence of any such reaction .
8 It 's of course only to be expected that people should moan about the tax they 've got to pay and people always complain that it seems to go up every year .
9 for people who are caring for their , their family we 've , we 've also said , that employers should recognise that people should be able to get , erm some kind of leave occasionally from their work er , perhaps ten days a year when they find the person they 're looking after is is sick .
10 Similar exercises have been undertaken by other er governments and there 's a tremendous contrast with the way those governments have actually sought to do this , with our own government , erm no publicity whatsoever has appeared yet and again I offer the minister the chance to tell us at some later point , what the government is prepared to do to exert itself on this matter and to tell us indeed whether it wants people to register erm it is n't particularly clear whether in fact this is part of er some idea that the government has that people should n't register and I think that the minister needs to be very clear about this so that people get the message outside , because nine and a half million people did n't vote , even in the last general election .
11 However he disagrees with certain ‘ enthusiasts from the supply industry ’ who say that people should reschedule their cooking .
12 But you know you mentioned that people used to help out with the dogs .
13 Handing out free pitch repairers might help a bit , but it does n't guarantee that people will use them .
14 Yeah , thank you Chairman just new development on the question of transport that 's been considered that people might be using the train more travelling to Europe than they had done previously I du n no if that has been considered Channel Tunnel , but perhaps it 's something that erm .
15 Their report concludes that people should be ‘ enabled and encouraged to eat foods which are closer to the natural grain , vegetable or fruit than the highly processed and refined products which now form a large part of our food . ’
16 Dr. Glasser 's Control Theory holds that people can be shown that they do have the choice of control over their thoughts and actions even though awareness of that choice may initially elude them .
17 One of the purposes of capital gains taxes is to prevent individuals from avoiding tax by converting their income into a capital gain : individual choices could be distorted and people might , for example , seek assets like oil paintings as opposed to bonds .
18 The movies succeeded because people could just walk in from the streets but from the beginning everything was done to ensure that as many people as possible were brought in .
19 Do n't know whether people might be in agreement with that .
20 I , I do n't know whether people can see
21 I do n't know much about most things , but I do know whether people will be going up the Alps or not . ’
22 Then he realized that people would simply say , ‘ No wonder she went mad , living with that Nigel Hughes . ’
23 As that key area of his governmental responsibilities so far was such a monumental disaster , does he not think that people would be well advised in the weeks ahead to treat any of his judgments , prophesies or predictions with derision ?
24 I do n't think that people would posa is a actual direct link between the two to bring the baby .
25 I do not think that people should be in jail for doing things with one another in a closet .
26 Yeah , well Lesley Dewhurst , do you think that people should be forced into behaving in certain ways ?
27 Rather he thinks that people ought to vote on the basis of what they think is right so he uses an with the jury service at this point .
28 I may prefer that people should not be malicious about me behind my back , even if I am not to know or even be affected by it , and that certain deathbed wishes of mine be carried out without supposing I will persist to be affected by them .
29 People 's needs are virtually ignored and conditions of work are so arranged that people can not interfere to any significant extent .
30 But the most difficult part is the culture change that people must accept during the transition to a fully commercial structure .
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