Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [conj] of " in BNC.

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1 Confined to West Africa , these species of shrews have been persecuted locally because of their strange internal armour .
2 ‘ One way , my life goes on despite my mother 's death ; the other way , someone else 's life goes on because of it . ’
3 But at least give that person whose turn er , on the Management Committee for representing er , another committee , give him the opportunity to s either speak on it , or to say whether or not he wishes to carry on and of course to see what the vote people would take , and to put himself forward even so , which unfortunately , I was n't er , able to do so .
4 The attitude of the professional man to his client … is one of pride in service given rather than of interest in opportunity for personal profit .
5 Before considering how ( and how far ) these three features are actually manifested in the different positivist theories , there are two other contingent and interdependent features that Jeffery ( and Matza following him ) pick on as of central significance to the positivist programme : the shift of focus from crime to the criminal , and the quest for a universal , objective category of ‘ criminal ’ behaviour .
6 Melanie tried to grasp how dreadful it would be if Finn were dead but she could not think coherently because of the terrible sound of Aunt Margaret 's silence .
7 Structural unemployment persists mostly because of the geographical and occupational immobility of labour .
8 He had to sit down because of the shock .
9 Personal bankruptcies may also slow down because of the recent interest rate cuts but are expected to continue at a high level for some time , he said .
10 In any event , the proposal came close to being passed , and failed only because of last year 's legislative jam-up , Helping it along were the customary health-lobbying tactics , such as having Senator Barry Goldwater , still recuperating from a double hip-joint replacement , hobble into a hearing room on crutches to testify on behalf of the proposed institute .
11 And it just goes on keeps going on another night another nightmare and then back to the interview room again and the tape machine again and more questions about Stromefirry-nofirry and Jersey and flights and that 's when they tell me about the other one that 's when they say oh by the way your best friend Andy is dead blown up in the hotel when it burned down ; probably beaten to death first head stoved in but of course you probably know all that because you did that too , did n't you ?
12 After the two cross-examinations , lasting perhaps ten or fifteen minutes in all , the two counsel put their heads together for a minute , and then one of them addresses the rest of the gathering , who have acted as jury , and submits that the alibi has been broken down because of this and that discrepancy .
13 The system of setting limits to public spending had broken down because of the following :
14 They have high costs which are likely to remain so because of the need continually to upgrade facilities and amenities for spectators to retain Test match status for their grounds .
15 Though they appear green and contain abundant chlorophyll , productivity of these mats is generally low : much of their material is moribund , and persists only because of an absence of decomposers .
16 A quiet dignity pervaded its saintly stations but we could never stay long because of course we were late …
17 Egypt has joined in because of its dependence on United States aid and good will and because of its distaste for Iraq 's bid for Arab leadership .
18 Well I have to go down cos of the greenhouse
19 So far as the availability of evidence before the justices , again , I say little because of the course I am going to take but there clearly was evidence for them to consider and assess .
20 US diplomatic sources said that the initiative was being pursued secretly because of fears that it could be sabotaged by anti-Arafat Palestinian factions advocating armed struggle against Israel rather than negotiations .
21 That seemed to sum it up , and Lydia left for home , driving slowly because of the sheep , the young pheasants , the occasional rabbit and the small groups of tourists on their way to view some antiquity or item of rustic charm who variously loped , flapped , skittered and scuttled before her .
22 Independence was not compromised , it was stated , and although the identification of causes deserving of support and finance from the advice agency might be questionable , in practice only those problems which gave real cause for community concern could be pursued successfully because of the need for public support .
23 It is used less and less as people have cracked down because of its toxicity — it used to be sloshed around .
24 According to the ITAR-TASS news agency the referendum call was voted down because of alleged breaches in the law during the collection of signatures .
25 The property was purchased for investment purposes , and is still owned only because of the current property slump .
26 saying oh we 've warned er not to come in because of the roadworks .
27 He had to be carried in because of his legs .
28 The doctor had announced that the boy 's mother was dead and that she would have had twins but they had come prematurely because of her lifting something heavy .
29 Tonight there will still be elderly people falling out of bed and dying alone because of lack of staff . ’
30 It was n't only due to the harsh words they had exchanged over Ryan ; she found it hard to write naturally because of the lie she was enacting .
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