Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 ‘ England , of course , and the southeast , ’ and it goes on to give you the dates , the times , the places and contacts and so forth .
2 You see , even the most sympathetic of employers may not be able to afford to carry on paying you .
3 You see , even the most sympathetic of employers may not be able to afford to carry on paying you .
4 As you climb by the road , you see a ring of mountains to your right which you might easily take to be the Cirque de Troumouse , but this is in fact yet a third cirque , that of Estaubé , intermediate between Gavarnie and Troumouse , imposing in its own right if too withdrawn properly to enclose you , as a good cirque should .
5 I owe it to him to explain what 's happened between us , to get his permission to go on seeing you . ’
6 I 'd want to go on seeing you a lot , though . ’
7 As I say , you owe me something , and if you 're determined to go on pretending you do n't know that , I 'll be delighted to tell you what it is some time soon , but not right now .
8 And they do n't really want to go on using you as a a sort of prop , because I mean you ca n't afford that because you 've got lots of other clients and you , you know really the aim is to try and get them back to self-sufficiency .
9 But , in some of the major ones , the children and the elderly , there are quite clearly on the statutes laid down , and case law , laid down saying you must go through a process of consultation .
10 Time-Life Books is a member of the Association of Mail Order Publishers , and follows the code of conduct laid down to protect you , the customer .
11 That pair had you cornered , and heaven alone knew what they intended to do next if I had n't risked both life and limb by stepping in to help you .
12 Some examples are listed below to help you .
13 You 'll hear a gun half an hour before the sun goes down to call you back . ’
14 You do n't have to go in do you ?
15 Walking aerobically makes you slim and is the perfect weight-management system .
16 ‘ Come on , hurry up-I know you have n't . ’
17 Your family has obviously sustained you through many crises .
18 Cos she , she 'd gone to you first and she , and she came along , she said erm Ann 's not in , she said I 've come down to see you both .
19 If you swear that her little one-off has so turned you against her that you could n't possibly bear to live with her any longer , you 'll get your divorce .
20 ‘ I had to come especially to see you this morning , Leith , ’ he said earnestly as he fell into step with her .
21 Remember that drama school has only prepared you to work .
22 I want personally to thank you all for coming .
23 had to write down have you ever been in borstal or
24 ‘ Mister , I do n't know 'ow to thank you , honest I do n't , you 've got more human kindness than a bishop .
25 All the trees , but they had all fall down do you see , flat .
26 I hope that this has not caused you too much inconvenience .
27 After all , the paper has not cost you anything : your girl-friend has encouraged her boss to look for blank A4 pages for the impecunious student ; or , girls , your boy-friend works in an office where his wastepaper basket would be full of the stuff if he did not remember your need .
28 Excellent as the tutor/student relationship may be , it has failed if the teacher , in satisfying your thirst for knowledge , has not taught you to depend on yourself .
29 ‘ Do n't you know God has not given you the spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind ? ’
30 If your lecturer has not given you a book list , get one of your larger colleagues to persuade him to do so .
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