Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] not at " in BNC.

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1 Leigh travelled to London to meet the Goldsmiths later in July , but " found them not at home " .
2 Adam found himself not at all sure what rates were but he knew that people who owned houses did pay them .
3 It moved him not at all .
4 The revolution of 1399 affected him not at all .
5 ‘ I wo n't say that it 's for the school , Gowie , ’ he says , ‘ for I know that interests you not at all . ’
6 ‘ I like it not at all , lass .
7 We behaved this way in days of old empire so it surprises me not at all that Japan may now buy The Belfry , of Ryder Cup fame .
8 Let me out unless the fires of Hell daunt you not at all !
9 The clothes , beautiful as they were , interested her not at all .
10 Whisper it not at the British Heart Foundation , but we knew that , as well as the salt , into that dinner had gone a dozen eggs , a couple of pints of cream , half a pound of butter , a quarter-pound of sugar and about half a pint of Calvados .
11 No spark , no enjoyable crossing of swords with someone , no delight in teasing — and yet , really , she knew him not at all .
12 A mind stretcher it was n't but an agreeable evening in the theatre it undoubtedly was , and harmed us not at all .
13 He added a postscript in his own hand : ‘ I pray you that ye fail me not at this time in my great need , as ye will that I show you my good lordship in that matter that ye labour to me for . ’
14 He added a postscript in his own hand : ‘ I pray you that ye fail me not at this time in my great need , as ye will that I show you my good lordship in that matter that ye labour to me for . ’
15 Did he not at that time , on the brink of collapse , feel something sustaining him , feeding him , encouraging him ?
16 Four-fifths of Oxfordshire teachers feel competent to conduct their review , and only a minimal 3 per cent declare themselves not at all competent .
17 The huge fire roaring in the hall beyond the small entrance chamber warmed her not at all .
18 If capitalist development does not lead automatically to the formation of a united opposition class determined to ‘ expropriate the expropriators ’ , does it not at least lay the ‘ economic ’ foundations for socialism , constructing a system of socialised production in relation to which capitalist property becomes increasingly inappropriate ?
19 They sang songs like the birds and made shapes on the walls ; and though these could help them not at all , yet they passed the time and enabled them to tell themselves that they were splendid fellows , the very flower of Rabbitry , cleverer than magpies .
20 Apparently this one and only brush with city life impressed him not at all .
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