Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] on an " in BNC.

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1 So massive a change of emphasis must be of fundamental significance , not only to the anthropologist and the social historian , but to the child psychologists , psychiatrists and psychotherapists whose very existence as a group depends upon the climate of opinion which regards their professional skills as valuable and necessary , and which places them on an equal footing in social esteem with the more anciently respected callings of the paediatrician and the pedagogue .
2 And so it was that on the first Monday after New Year , about midnight , we found ourselves on an icy road in County Cavan heading for the checkpoint , having just driven up from Dun Laoghaire , where we had disembarked from the Holyhead ferry .
3 Totalization in the first Critique , Lévi-Strauss suggests , can only create its meaning by selection through such metonymic devices of exclusion , that is , by founding itself on an — ethnocentric — absence .
4 What is it about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart that places him on an artistic par with Shakespeare or Rembrandt , a giant of his art ?
5 It was here that the great receptions and gala balls took place , though it was not the setting for the traditional New Year 's ambassadorial reception as described by Hubner , which was that of the Throne part played by the Empress , since this was her first appearance at such a function and it thus enables us to observe her on an occasion of high formality :
6 On the contrary , Freud says , basing it on an illusion is , is very very dangerous .
7 Shape the dough into a round loaf , place it on an oiled baking sheet and cover again with a large polythene bag .
8 About one person in two can expect to find themselves on an operating table at some time in their lives .
9 — the way in which he and his colleagues can assist us on an individual basis .
10 John and his team have already extracted considerable concessions from the Inland Revenue , which means that the majority of us will be able to continue as before , i.e. we will be able to satisfy the Inland Revenue that the majority of priests do not have the liability to tax on their income from the Church , without the need for the Inland Revenue to meet us on an individual basis .
11 On Dec. 16 the Netherlands authorities expelled 43 Russian Jews and put them on an aeroplane to Israel after their applications for asylum were turned down ; a further nine were expelled on Dec. 23 .
12 ‘ Well , look , ’ I say , ‘ put me on an identity parade — ’
13 Turning to football , the West Indies have done nothing on an international scale , though the game is popular and played at a domestic level .
14 The plaintiff slipped and injured himself on an area of floor to which sawdust had not been applied .
15 The problem I must admit the problem that surprised me with overheads is that erm people ca n't write and listen at the same time , or the other thing is , you put something on an overhead th every bit of it gets written down which is why I adapted it so that you did .
16 It 's been enormously successful because we 've done it on an activist basis so that activists have met one another , all those prejudices and all those stereotypes have immediately vanished as soon as people have stayed in one another 's homes and realized that people have the same problems , they have the same , they have the same problems and the same difficulty er as difficulties as we do .
17 The great double doors of the palace had been smashed inwards by a hammerblow from an American Civil War vintage sixty-five pounder naval gun , which the rebels had somehow recovered from the sunken Atlanta , transporting it on an ox-drawn cart since the wheels were missing from its carriage axles .
18 That used to be a completely different tune ; I had the lyrics , but I played it on an open tuned National , then when I got the Strat and plugged it into an old Fender Vibrolux amp , it became what it became on record .
19 This is the untold story of an exchange which rightly prides itself on an ability to offer efficient markets in leading shares but which can not cope with the unattractive smaller companies .
20 Relating these principles to Figures 11.1 and 11.2 , it will be seen that they comprise , despite the problems already encountered in describing them on an ad hoc basis , only a small number of variants .
21 It is this attempt to redesign the genetic instructions of living organisms and utilise them on an industrial scale that is creating so much excitement and concern " .
22 ‘ We know that , Mr Vigo , ’ he said , wrenching his eyes away and fixing them on an eggshell thin service , made to contain jasmine tea .
23 Someone to help you keep everything on an even keel for the whole pregnancy …
24 Billy 's been brilliant because we 've had him on an album-by-album deal , and he could have jumped ship , but he 's been really loyal . ’
25 So next time you 've got something important to say , make sure you print it on an HP LaserJet .
26 As with the data manipulation unit , these units are able to carry out any one of an appropriate set of operations when signalled by the control unit ; for example , to read a digit punched on paper tape and store it in a specified store location or to retrieve a digit from a specified store location and print it on an electric typewriter .
27 Nevertheless , Mr. Pybus , the Minister of Transport , announced in February 1932 , that the London Transport Bill was dead and he had no intention of forcing it on an unwilling House of Commons .
28 Tolstoy first published ‘ Anna Karenina ’ in 1918 and based it on an event he himself witnessed .
29 Position it in the centre of the mantelpiece , stand it on a shelf on its own , shine a spotlight on to it , or hang it on an empty wall where it will attract attention .
30 This was folded and stored in a paper envelope for nearly a hundred years , and the creases make it very unlikely we shall ever be able to play it on an original machine .
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