Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] the most " in BNC.

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1 I mean I 'm gon na try and give , the first two guys and er Mike who came in , they did n't do very well cos they did n't actually mention that bit and it did n't flow from then on , you 've got ta make the point , you know , did you find that er well not did you , that 's bad phraseology , I 'm sure you found this beneficial which of the areas of the five tonight actually interest you the most do that bit and then go in with the fact that you actually mentioned earlier on that you do work on a recommendation basis .
2 make the point you know I 'm sure you found this useful , what particular area was the one that excited you the most , yeah ?
3 This time I left it up to my patient to decide which area of her life was causing her the most distress .
4 Although she was anxious to be able to travel on the underground and in aeroplanes , she felt that the problem which caused her the most inconvenience was her inability to go into any large shop or department store without experiencing extreme panic .
5 It was on those lonely walks that he had first had intimations of an essentially adult truth , that it is those who most love us who cause us the most pain .
6 Varig is the airline that offers you the most alternatives in departure times and flights between Europe and Brazil — 29 in all
7 it is generally best to quote the nearest authority first and to allot it the most space , the other cases can be brought more casually into the discussion , as you have time .
8 Finally , reward those who have read the papers by giving them the most opportunities to talk about the material and to express their views .
9 In fact it was one of Adams 's less-explosive innings which has given him the most pleasure this summer .
10 He gave me the most trouble by returning more potential Pathfinders than any other CO : hut not only — aircrew he walked about Gransden with a wad of railway warrants in his pocket , and anyone who offended got one on the spot .
11 It gives me the most pain and is like a burning sensation . ’
12 Doohan and Gardner had their Hondas working well at Eastern Creek even though the NSR 's awesome power gives them the most wheelspin worries .
13 For those who work outside the home , out of many choices , it was their ‘ relationship with colleagues ’ that gives them the most satisfaction ( 80% ) , with flexibility of working hours ( 68% ) and pay ( 60% ) trailing behind .
14 ‘ What is it about work that gives you the most pleasure ? ’
15 I 've given you the two , er , the one that gives you the most space for the day , on the basis that if you have too much space for daily planning , it 's maybe irritating .
16 Er , but I want you to start with this one , because it gives you the most flexibility .
17 The rules and routines of the institution made her feel secure and offered her plentiful opportunities to do what gave her the most satisfaction , to comply .
18 The trouble was , they thought , that the person who 'd really regret it the most would be the one nome who was eaten .
19 Austen Chamberlain had been trained to be a conventional statesman ; Rugby , Cambridge and a determination to live down his father 's reputation had all combined to make him the most conformist of politicians .
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