Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] the [adj] " in BNC.

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31 We sat them down and gave them a drink and asked them the usual stuff .
32 Given them the negative polarity item I give a damn .
33 An anonymous businessman has given them the remaining amount .
34 When readers have written in , worried about whether to tell about a secret lover , you 've so often given them the excellent advice : ‘ Keep mum ’ .
35 as if he read Wickham 's mind , Shildon wrapped up the discussion , said he had given them the important stuff and the rest could wait .
36 The Goldsmiths allowed Gurney £300 , Norris £200 , and Coombes £150 " in consideration of their services " , having dismissed them the previous April with effect from 25th March 1860 .
37 As we 're roping up , who should arrive to tie on but the lad who 'd joined me the previous day .
38 Yeah , I mean I The important thing is I think the children do recognize the differences , not that they do n't notice the differences , because they 're Like you say they 're capable of using the other if it if it suits them .
39 " Yes , I met someone the other night who made a sort of suggestion about a possible job of some kind . "
40 She was sure that at some point she 'd given someone the cold shoulder and hurt them badly without noticing .
41 Please accept my application and enrol me as a member of The Literary Guild and send me the introductory books whose numbers I have printed in the boxes provided .
42 The waiter said no all off oh send me the usual toast .
43 I would be grateful if you could look into the matter and send me the duplicate Agreement as soon as possible , as I have your copy of the tape ( VM on IBM at 1600 bpi ) ready to despatch to you on return of the documents .
44 The prints spilled on to the carpet and as Sabine bent to retrieve them the young boy 's face seemed to glare directly up at her , challenging and inimical .
45 You can shew me the exact spot and that will save time .
46 And how do we know whom the secret channels would enlist ?
47 We also decided that Mike would have to take every third day off to recover , while Christophe continued to follow the chimps , so that he and Mike would know where to find them the following day .
48 And he either phoned me the following morning or if it was n't the following morning it was the one after that .
49 Alan rung me the other day .
50 Well as I say , the police stopped them the other morning and one of the lads had a chat with the driver and all this and he carried on .
51 I do n't know I the other day .
52 Suddenly we found ourselves the proud owners of three switchboards , two lines , thirteen phones and a miraculous fax ( ‘ Oooh , you must have to roll them up ever so small ’ ) machine .
53 Duncan 's account is , in fact , a not unsympathetic one of Eliot punishing himself , denying himself the small pleasures or luxuries which someone of his wealth and distinction could have enjoyed : " He always took his wine flavoured with guilt " .
54 Then his face contorted in pain , and she knew instinctively with infinite relief that it was the face of a man reluctantly denying himself the sexual release he patently craved by wielding a superhuman control .
55 When there were not games he disappeared into the library and found himself the only person in the building .
56 Dr Sasaki found himself the only doctor in the hospital who was unhurt .
57 A actually I visited somebody the other day and you just forget you just forget .
58 In 1686 he became a London alderman , sitting for Broad Street ; but he discharged himself the following year , probably in anticipation of the purging of Anglicans from the bench .
59 and we 'll be joining all the Irish folk at Cheltenham … do n't think Carmody 's mare will be running … but we 'll be following those that are with special reports from the festival all next week … for football fans the big one is tomorrow … at the Manor Ground its the Central South second division derby Oxford against Swindon …
60 In order to do this , you may find that first you need to look at your feelings of anger and resentment at your partner for denying you the ordinary experience of conception and pregnancy .
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