Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] that [be] " in BNC.

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1 Otherwise , there is a real risk of innovation producing nothing that is substantially changed .
2 And he sold them that was his cost was three pounds .
3 I would want someone that was on my wavelength , roughly my age , preferably a supporter , and I would n't sign anything until I had at least a serious gentleman 's agreement that nothing could be issued without the artist 's agreement .
4 The only point in its favour is that it contains nothing that is toxic .
5 Placed as it is between the Princess Royal 's room and the night nursery , this very personal room contains nothing that is not essential to the character of its occupant .
6 It contains nothing that was not identifiable , and abundantly flagged , in the previous two volumes .
7 No one may seem perfect enough for your child but , given the will , it is easy to discover plenty that is good .
8 I 'll also pack everything that 's in that little black little black bag .
9 That period is to all intents and purposes part of the sentence , and he ought to know everything that is said about him before it is fixed .
10 I 've no business to ask , but I do like to know everything that 's going on here , and what with the measles , I 've been so dreadfully out of touch . ’
11 With chemistry , things like organic chemistry , where you had to know every reaction , you could n't work it out , you had to know everything that was going to happen — there was n't a lot of understanding involved , it was mainly slogging .
12 Though Marcus no longer took part in this process , he never missed a single morning ; he liked to know everything that was going on — how many cargo-ships berthed for loading or unloading — how many hours taken to clear each one — how many men needed on every job .
13 She liked to know everything that was happening in and around Avonlea .
14 When you were here before I was only a schoolboy and er just er old enough to know everything that was going on , as you might say , but young enough so as I did n't get too involved .
15 As supply was limited , and controlled by censorship , reading was conventional , but one soon discovered that it would be possible to spend a life-time reading books which were not obscure and still not exhaust everything that was worthwhile .
16 But I want one that is the same .
17 John : ‘ Looking at the display racks , there are a lot of basses around even in this price category , and I have n't got a clue about what 's what , but I do want to try something that 's Korean-made , just out of personal interest . ’
18 It may occur that Jenny write , writes something that is appropriate to T G I .
19 The crucial difference between economic growth and development , as I am using the term here , is that development may include everything that is already included in economic growth plus criteria of distribution of the social product and democratic politics .
20 They glanced at Tabitha encumbered with Perks , forcing their claws from her arms , standing on one foot trying to shake one that was hanging on to her leg .
21 Whatever you choice of fire , whatever the decor of your room — you can be sure to find something that 's just right for you …
22 Want something that 's a bit interesting in your living room do n't you .
23 It 'll take fag burns and , you want something that 's not gon na that 's like , that 's got li like that crystaley stuff
24 You want something that 's universal for the first one .
25 They want something that is going to be reliable .
26 If there is more than one answer , it will be easier to find one that is acceptable to both parties .
27 ‘ Sometimes they 've managed to find one that is n't even scheduled but I 'm dreading getting stuck they 'll have to send me home in a taxi . ’
28 Like to catch something that was hanging on the tree , no one would catch it and hang there .
29 But eventually he found one that was almost empty with tall arch windows and broken tiles about the floor .
30 We along with the rest of Paris , found one that was open .
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